Reviving your cozy place: the Taurus New Moon + Forecast for May 9th - May 15th Catherine UrbanMay 8, 2021Comment
Hope on the Horizon: Jupiter in Pisces Catherine UrbanApril 30, 2021Jupiter, Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, eclipses Comment
Reclaiming Connection - Week of April 3rd - 10th forecastCatherine UrbanMarch 31, 2021aries, mars in geminiComment
Purification by Fire - Venus Cazimi - Week of March 21st forecastCatherine UrbanMarch 17, 2021venus, cazimi, aries, mars, north nodeComment
The parting clouds - Week of March 14-20 forecastCatherine UrbanMarch 10, 2021Neptune, Pisces, ariesComment
Ceres: Grieving the Old Life + trends in famines Catherine UrbanFebruary 13, 2021Ceres, Demeter, eclipses, famineComment
Missed Connections: Venus and Mars in 2020 and hope in 2021 Catherine UrbanOctober 29, 2020Venus retrograde, mars retrograde, venus-mars, relationshipsComment
Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in Air and Pandemics Catherine UrbanJune 26, 2020covid, covid-19, coronavirus, Jupiter/Saturn, airComment