how it works
Which House system do you use?
Whole Sign Houses
Western Astrology
Tropical zodiac
What Techniques do you use?
Natal interpretation
Traditional Astrology (Hellenistic)
Classical + Medieval techniques
Medieval Solar Returns
Secondary Progressions
Annual + Monthly Profections
Electional Astrology
Zodiacal Releasing
Chart rectification
Retrogrades + Cycles
Planetary remediation
Synastry (relational astrology)
Familial Astrology
Mundos Astrology
Do you have a cancellation policy?
which reading I should get?
If you are looking for a general overview of your chart and/or the year ahead, then start with the first option, “Astrology Reading + Forecast.” I typically analyze the natal chart and prepare a year-ahead forecast to review with you during our session. I draw upon several interpretive techniques, and my selection may vary depending on what calls my attention. However, this is your time, and we can discuss anything that’s on your mind. Some people use their session to focus solely on their natal configurations, while others want to deep dive into progressions or zodiacal releasing.
When you fill out your booking form, you will have the option to specify anything in particular you’d like for me to focus on during our session.
Solar return charts are a specialty of mine. The solar return chart is cast when the Sun returns to the same degree it was when you were born. We can understand the solar return as the birthday chart, which forecasts dominant themes in the year ahead. I would highly recommend choosing this option if you are booking a reading within 4 months of your birthday.
What is a birth chart?
How does astrology work?
Astrologers calculate an image of the heavens above and below the horizon for the precise moment you were born. Judging from the precise placements and conditions of the planets and signs, astrologers interpret your unique celestial signature to glean insight into your personality, your potential, and into all areas of life. In an astrological consultation, we synthesize these symbols to meet the realities of your life— and to help you gain perspective and confidence moving forward.
The birth chart refers to a two-dimensional image of the cosmos at the moment of birth. This is our primary tool, and it has taken years of practice to learn to interpret accurately. The birth chart is also referred to as the natal chart or radix chart. We liken it to a road map, a blueprint or a user guide for your life
How does it really work? The reality is that we don’t know for sure. Astrology is a fusion of the intellectual and intuited— of material reality and the enigma of the cosmos. Perhaps it's beyond our comprehension? Perhaps we aren’t meant to know. Either way, we are blessed to have a set of keys to aid in our understanding of our place in the universe. With awe and reverence... I humbly bow to this ancient art.
Your birth chart is your chart forever, but it does evolve its expression over time. A natal chart consultation helps gain understanding about where you are on your journey, where you’ve come from, and where you are headed
Is a “consultation” the same thing as a “reading?”
A consultation and a reading are the same thing. We can call it whichever you like! Astrologers generally prefer “consultation” over “reading,” because a reading implies that we are doing all of the talking and telling you about yourself. In reality, no one knows *you* better than you, and the more context we have, the more helpful we can be. Consultation implies dialogue, and dialogue is a major component of our session.
Why should I get an astrology reading?
An astrology reading offers you insights into your personality, patterns and really, every area in your life. Astrology also tells us what “time it is” in our lives. There is a season for everything! Astrology will affirm whether it’s a better time for you to buckle down and focus on your career, or whether it’s a good time to uproot and take a risk. No one is stopping you from sunbathing in the moonlight, but perhaps another time is more optimal! Astrology will help you strategize so that your efforts and valuable energetic output are more fruitful and well received.
If you’ve ever wondered why you are the way that you are, or why things happen in your life differently from others, an astrology reading can be super affirming.
While there is certainly wisdom to be harvested from each chapter of our lives. Astrology holds the mirror, offering valuable framework to help us understand *what* is happening. Sometimes we also want to know *when* a planetary influence will conclude. Astrology is great for that too!
I don’t know my birth time. Can I still get a reading?
You can. Astrologers can cast a chart with the Sun on the horizon and read your sunrise chart. This is why Sun sign astrology works at all. However, many of the forecasting techniques I use depend on timed birth charts. Without a birth time, I am severely limited in my forecasting capabilities.
Prior to booking an astrology reading, I highly recommend exhausting every possible avenue to discover your birth time - vital birth records, baby books, newspaper announcements etc. If none of these options yield a birth time, I would recommend booking a chart rectification.
If you can’t wait to have your chart rectified and you have a pressing question about your career or your relationship, horary astrology is another excellent option. Astrologers cast a “chart of the moment” to answer the question. No birth chart required!
Is a rectified chart as solid as a birth chart with a recorded birth time?
The short answer is no. Without a recorded birth time, we have no way of knowing for sure what time you were actually born. However, the rectified chart is the next best option for discovering a birth time that corresponds with your personhood and the events in your life.
I recommend staying in touch with me and scheduling follow-up readings over time so that we can continue to verify the accuracy of your rectified birth chart, or make adjustments if necessary.
Is Horary the best service for me?
Horary is optimal for *specific questions* which the birth chart alone could not answer. If you aren’t sure of your question yet, it is not time to ask. If your question seems to be very general, or it applies to an overarching current theme of life, a natal chart reading is probably better suited for you. If you don’t have a specific question yet, I will refund your order, minus the fees collected by the booking platforms - so be sure before you book!
Do not ask your horary question unless you are ready and willing to hear the answer - no matter what. I always recommend specifying a time frame on the question. So instead of asking, “Will I ever fall in love again?” I recommend reframing the question, such as “Will I fall in love in the next two years?” Be ready to receive a “yes” or a “no” answer.
Questions must be intimately connected to YOU - not about world events. Questions which have a great deal of “charge,” produce the most accurate horary charts. Questions that are flippant and don’t carry the charge of urgency may produce charts that are vague or do not speak to our experience at all. In other words, ask the question when it feels most urgent.
Check out my Best Practices for Horary collection on IG for more tips on how to get the most from this artform.
Do You Offer Synastry Readings?
Yes. One way we can gain insight into our relationships is by analyzing how the planets relate to one anther from each natal chart. Compatibility is a complex topic and there are no “hard-fast” rules. For this reason, I no longer center sessions around the relationship dynamics alone. To be of highest service to you, it’s best if we discuss relationships alongside the context of your current astrological forecast. In long-term relationships, there are many different seasons. To understand the relationship at any crossroads, context is everything. As far as newer love interests go, I’d be more than happy to peep the potential of your astrological compatibility as well.
To unlock the synastry session, book your “Astrology Reading: Natal + Forecast” then simply select the option to add an additional chart. Be sure to include those additional chart details in your booking form.
Other useful info:
Certified by NCGR-PAA and ISAR-CAP, I adhere to strict ethical bylaws of confidentiality. Everything we discuss is kept in confidence between you and I. All recordings offered are for your sole purposes of convenience and review. Most of the time, Zoom will allow you to record your own session onto your own device. If for some reason that permission isn’t available, I will offer to record it for you. You’ll receive a link to download your session. For confidentiality purposes, all recordings are deleted after 7 days. There is also no pressure to record your session whatsoever! Some people prefer to take notes.
Where do we meet?
All readings are virtual. Your Zoom link will be provided in both of your confirmation emails. While I used to enjoy offering readings in person at my home, I now have two children at home, making this impossible. Pandemic aside, shifting solely to Zoom was always the plan for me. If you’d rather meet in person, I am available for small local parties and events in the Cleveland, Ohio area. I do not foresee returning to in-person readings anytime in the near future. Requests for exceptions will not be accommodated.
Mentorship session vs Consultation format
The mentorship option was created for students of astrology to receive peer support; if you knowingly book this session with the intention of having your chart read at a lower price point, I have the right to terminate the session.