Vitality + Renewal: Aries Season is here! Forecast for 3/20 - 3/26/22
Galactic Greetings,
Aries season begins this week, and let me let you, it’s a doozy! I recently connected with Melissa Lafara on her podcast, Energetic Principles, to forecast for the season ahead. We were both floored by the intensity of the month. We will turn the first couple pages of Aries season in this blog post, but if you’re eager to skip ahead, I highly recommend checking out our Aries season episode – and truly, you should def consider tuning into Energetic Principles regularly. I love Melissa’s insights.
Speaking of podcasts, the episodes, I also had the honor of joining Chris Brennan on The (famous) Astrology Podcast! We were joined by astrologer, Nick Dagan Best to discuss what happens when a planet stations by secondary progression. Be sure to check out that episode – and – if you like what you are hearing, and you’d like to learn more about secondary progressions, you might be happy to hear my next bit of news:
The Power of Progressions Course has been reincarnated into a self-paced format! Students of the course will receive the benefits of personal interaction, space for 1:1 inquiry and reflections on prompts – but no pressure to work within a time constraint.
So those are the show notes, now let’s get into it!
Astrology Watch:
Sun enters Aries, 3/20
Mercury conjunct Jupiter, 3/21
Mars square Uranus, 3/22
Mercury conjunct Neptune, 3/23
Mercury conjoins Pluto, 3/26
Sun enters Aries, 3/20/22
Rob Rey, Solar Eclipse
Aries season arrives, bearing gifts of vitality, courage, and renewal. Aries season jumpstarts the astrological new year, as from here, the daylight overtakes the night in the northern hemisphere. The Sun is exalted in Aries, championing a reinvigoration of personal purpose, self-love, self-awareness, and the confidence to follow our impulses without second-guessing ourselves.
The start of Aries season corresponds with the Vernal Equinox – a point of balance across the planet where every location on earth experiences an equal balance of day and night. The theme of balance is inherent in Aries’ polar opposite, Libra, which will become emphasized later in the season under the Libra Full Moon. The Vernal Equinox is known by many names to many different cultures, but to the pagans, it is Ostara, a fertility holiday boasting symbols of eggs, rabbits, flowers, sweetness of life, and rebirth.
Aries season is here to defrost what has been frozen, energize the liminal, and animate dreams into action.
I joined astrologer Melissa Lafara on her podcast, Energetic Principles for an overview of Aries Season and the Aries Ingress chart for the United States. We both agree that Aries season is a doozy! If you’re curious to hear our breakdown for wild month(s) ahead, def tune in!
Triple Pisces Conjunction: Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune 3/21 - 3/23/22
As we discussed last week, the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is inching closer and closer to exactitude. Mercury becomes the second planet to serve as a bridge, unifying these two celestial bodies as one. I foresee a twofold emanation of this triple conjunction, following some themes I’ve already noticed afoot.
Access the doors of perception
The Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune conjunction may serve as a benevolent microdose – opening gateways of the mind. Get your Asclepius oils ready, because the dreamscape is expected to be particularly vivid and an eager oracle of premonition. Noticing how patterns in our lives are all connected can help us make peace with our conditions and find deeper gratitude for our present blessings. Accessing a state of divine love can help mitigate a sense of lack or guilt and replace it with faith – faith that it all works out, and the universe has our back, even when it appears that it does not. Lending gifts of boundlessness, this dreamy concoction dissolves inhibiting myths and replaces them with wonder. Truly, anything is possible.
Recession of Logic
While logic won’t ever portend all of the answers, the scientific objectivity of the mind is an asset. While Mercury enters the cosmic soup of Jupiter and Neptune, instances of abandoned logic will become increasingly apparent. For instance, the senate just passed a bill to end time-changes, however it will make daylight savings time permanent. Where is the logic here? Mercurial typos and tangents are to be expected. We will see increased themes of hype, overwhelm, blowing matters out of proportion and confusion about where the truth lies. Such can be the case where logic is absent.
Words of Encouragement
Mercury’s conjunction to Jupiter and Neptune will make us all a bit more of an open book. Sure, some will be too candid at the risk of foot-in-mouth, however, this is a portal of generosity and sharing the love. Mercury wants to inspire hope, upliftment and encouragement during this time. Forgiviness and compassion will continue to be enhanced themes here.
Sleepy + Spacy
Not feeling spiritually activated? Feeling drained? This aspect can make us sleepy too. Hit the pillow and see if those dreams have anything to offer!
Natasha Cunningham
Mars square Uranus, 3/22/22
Cool-headed, technological, and strategic, Mars in Aquarius arrives on the scene to create some highly intentional friction. The thing is that fixed signs will often wait until the last second to make their move, even after the expiration date has long passed. Mars is here to stoke the coals simmering in the pit of the Saturn-Uranus square – a catalyst of infrastructural evolution which ignited circa 2020. While this aspect is indeed shifting the framework of how we work, live and connect, it’s also happening somewhere in each of our charts! Cue Mars to sound the alarm.
Mars in Aquarius teams up with Uranus, supplying an adrenaline drip. It’s go time! While this planetary combo can be quite combustible, impulsive, and radical – Mars aim is cool and calculated. We sense the walls closing in; we know in our blood that there is no better time than now to play our hand.
During a time of conflict, this aspect is important to watch. Mars-Uranus breeds tension, volatility, retaliation, and fight-or-flight responses. If anxiousness upticks for you this week, the best way is to move the energy – either there is a life move you’re resisting, or maybe you simply need to sweat! This aspect is here to help us break free of situations which have grown limiting. Rewrite the code!
Mercury sextile Pluto, 3/26
Mercury’s sextile to Pluto is a check in from our retrograde story. Much came to light during Mercury’s prolonged conjunction to Pluto. Mercury now wants to know: how are we doing? What steps have we made to address the issues surfaced by Mercury in Capricorn?
Check out the video version of Mercury sextile Pluto here - where you can discover the video versions of each forecast every week.
Big Blessings,