TWO Full Moons in Aquarius this Year??? The Week of July 18th - 24th, 2021
Hello my friends!
This summer is flying by way too fast, wouldn’t you agree! I hope you all are thoroughly enjoying some long, lazy vacation days and replenishing your heart and soul! Leo season begins this week, and kicks off with a full moon in Aquarius - the first of two! And I must say, I like the second one a whole lot better. Let’s go ahead and rip the bandaid off, shall we?
Astrology Watch
Mercury sextile Uranus (7/20)
Venus enters Virgo (7/21)
Sun enters Leo (7/22)
Venus opposes Jupiter (7/22)
Aquarius Full Moon (7/23)
Mercury trine Neptune (7/24)
Mercury sextile Uranus (7/20)
Intuitive, sentimental Mercury receives an electirc jolt from Uranus today, anchoring an instantaneous resonant knowing in your gut. Trust the vibes! Opportunites to follow spontaneous offshoots from the routine can produce invigorating strokes of brilliance. Dare to deviate today.
Venus enters Virgo (7/21), opposes Jupiter (7/22)
As Venus crosses the Leo-Virgo threshold, our goddess of love and relationships conjoins with royal star, Regulus today. SHE can do no wrong! We may see bold emanations of female leadership today.
Indeed, Venus’ Virgoan ingress is bustling with action. Immediately, Venus enters a polarizing aspect with fellow benefic, Jupiter in Pisces. On one hand, with Venus in her fall, Venus may look upon Jupiter living their best life with envy. The grass is always greener. And yet, she may take it as an inspirational cue.
Venus in Virgo wants us to show our love by SHOWING UP. Acts of service go a long way, especially since it requires presence, attentiveness and a genuine desire to help someone else’s day run smoother. While doing the dishes might not be the grandest, most romantic way to show our love, plenty of relationships have ended over dirty dishes. Not surprisingly, it’s been proven that couples who share household duties tend to have better sex. It’s all about reciprocation, right?
Taking notice of what others need, and subsequently filling those shoes is a beautiful and selfless thing, however, Venus in Virgo is considered to be in her fall. This same analytic eye for detail can often come off as critical. We must be cautious not to overstep and to be careful with our word choices as we aim to assist.
Venus’ subsequent opposition to Jupiter can reflect an overdoing, an overcompensatory helpfulness or even a form of people-pleasing burnout. Yup! Venus in Virgo is fully capable of going into hermit mode as well, diving into personal projects where the gift for perfectionistic asthetic can unfurl free of potential critique from the outside world.
Venus’ opposition to Jupiter can also highlight a certain idealism we crave in our relationships. Allow yourself to indulge that portrait; we are hot off the coattails of a passionate, desirous Venus-Mars conjunction after all! However, don’t forget to ground your expectations into what you can reasonably withstand.
Sun enters Leo (7/22)
Leo season reminds us that joy is our birthright. We are meant to live fully - induluted in our originality. Within each of us resides the God Particle - the spark of the Divine which chose to incarnate in the human flesh. From greatness to shortcomings, Leo season reminds us to own it. Life is simply too short to cower behind others; it’s too short to lower the volume of our vivdness. We are here to laugh heartily and to love infinitely. We are here to shine in our unique ray of specialness.
The Sun holds rulership in Leo, once again affirming that Leo season is the season to be seen! The Sun represents divine intellect, creativity and shine. For those of you who struggle with bringing your full self forward (I’m right there with ya!), Leo season is an incredibly helpful lever to help you RISE with greater confidence. For those of you who have less than ideally placed Suns in your birth chart (12th or 8th house, Libra or Aquarius, or who receive hard aspects from malefics), I might recommend you work with the Regulus series from Sphere + Sundry. This magical series (among other practices) has helped me to remedy my Libra Sun!
Unfortunately, however, the leaden planet, Saturn places a bit of a damper on Leo season. While the Sun moves through Leo for the next week, the Sun will apply to Saturn, which will invite us to confront the very blocks from accessing the level of shine-embodiment we desire at this time. More on this aspect to come!
Full Moon, 1°26’ Aquarius, 7/23
You Are Another Me
Can you believe it? We will be blessed with TWO Aquarius Full Moons this year. And it’s a good thing too, because I’ll be honest: I don’t love this full Moon chart. Before I unpack my reasoning, I will foreshadow the secondary Aquarius Blue Moon on August 22nd: it’s a lot cuter. Whew.
While the Sun is in domicile in Leo, it appears to be enclosed by malefics – moving from an opposition with Pluto to another with Saturn. It’s essentially reflects a situation moving from bad to worse. The Moon enters the crossfire to alleviate the Sun, however, now we have both lifegiving luminaries enclosed by malefics. Simultaneously, both benefic planets (Venus and Jupiter) are changing signs and essentially downgrading in their abilities to provide sweetness, elevation and ease. Indeed, Venus enters the sign of her fall (cue busywork, scrutiny and hermiting) while Jupiter leaves its Pisces domicile to return to Saturn’s domain once more. At the time of the full moon, each luminary is copresent with a traditional malefic and in aversion to the recently downshifted benefics. Ouch.
Jargon aside, to me this seems to reflect what’s going on in the world with the Delta variant gaining traction. We all knew that the pandemic wasn’t over, so it’s really not shocking to hear that the curve is jumping up again. The 2020 Olympics are scheduled to begin in Tokyo today. Meanwhile the covid crisis is reaching a critical threshold in Japan and polls reveal that the majority of Japanese residents want the Olympics cancelled. By the looks of this full moon chart as a natal chart for this event, it does not look good at all, no matter how you slice it. With Jupiter returning to Aquarius in a few days, I wouldn’t be surprised to see certain travel restrictions reinstated worldwide, making it difficult for athletes to even travel there in the first place.
That said, there are plenty of wonderful things to celebrate about the annual Aquarius Full Moon! The Aquarius Full Moon always arrives during luminous Leo season to offer us a timely cup of ice. While Leo season encourages us to shine bright and turn up, the Aquarius Full Moon reminds that it doesn’t matter who’s watching, how many “likes” you get or how many people seem to be interested. Just do the damn thing anyway! Move vehemently toward your passions without the need for approval. While validation is nice to receive, it’s not a vital accelerant. In other words, we should be doing things because we enjoy them, rather than being motivated by popularity. This is a revolutionary concept in today’s social media driven culture, and something that many people are contemplating much deeper in a post-quarantined world. The fact that we get two Aquarius Full Moons is an ironic cosmic chortle! Of course we need a second jab of this potent truth serum. Aquarius is just as individualistic as Leo, but they’re too punk for an audience. Who cares what other people think?! Aquarius energy imbibes us with a cool confidence which helps shield us from letting the opinions of others influence the life we are creating for ourselves. Do what’s in your heart anyway and dance like no one is watching!
Mercury trine Neptune (7/24)
Echoing themes from last week’s Sun trine to Neptune, this aspect is ideal for interstellar communication, connection with ancestors (both living and crossed-over), communicating love and support to others, holding space, prayer and meditation. Exceptionally creative and observant, this is an aspect ideal for dropping into spaces of nonverbal communication. L I S T E N I N G - without judgement. Just pure receptivity. Forgo the need to analyze. How does this information FEEL?