Electric Charge - Uranus stations retrograde + the week of August 15th - 21st!
Galactic Greetings All,
I write to you from my desk on a rainy day, on the second day of my lunar cycle, riding the waves of my feels as I struggle to put words on paper. I keep trailing back to a time in my life where I wasn’t believed. Have you ever been accused of something you would never even conceive of doing? Human beings have blind spots and differing moral codes, but the one thing we all have in common is that we all want to be right! The nodes of fate continue to savor the chaos of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis - an axis which celebrates the diffuse million-faceted gem of perspective (Gemini), and the attachment to a singular viewpoint as absolute. The Gemini-Sagittarius axis highlights the concept of truth. Are there absolute truths? Or are they relative to the beholder? Throughout human history, many have perished in the name of truth. Perhaps we all share this core wound of not being believed, which is perhaps why we witness overarching, even tyrannical movements throughout every single epoch to convert nonbelievers and persecute the naysayers. Why do human beings need to be right? Perhaps its the illusion of godlike endowment - holding the all-knowing keys of unshakeable truth to which no one can negate.
But we didn’t get it right. As we enter a fourth wave of the pandemic, Mercury arrives in a square to the nodal axis, while ruling the north node. This alignment represents a choice to embrace a new perspective based on new information, or to commit harder to your beliefs. This week, we will see themes of high-stake opinions clashing with the ingress of Venus in Libra who strives to maintain harmony. Venus in Libra is also a staunch negotiater and plays a fierce devil’s advocate.
Mercury conjoins Mars this week too, which makes it easy to speak in long-winded run-on rants. Without further ado, I’m going to stop here, and leave space for the individuated aspect breakdowns below!
Astrology Watch
Venus enters Libra 8/15
Mercury squares the lunar nodes 8/15
Mercury conjoins Mars 8/18
Uranus stations retrograde 8/19
Sun opposite Jupiter
Mercury + Mars trine Uranus 8/20 +8/21
Doan Ly
Venus enters Libra 8/15
Get excited. Venus returns home to Libra where she can comfortably sip champagne, work the room and flirtatiously discover common ground with others. Venus in Libra is extremely sociable, cares about justice, equality and fairness. While primordial Venus was actually a war goddess, in the sign of Libra, she can avoid tarnishing her frock with the blood of her enemies. Instead, there is a path toward civil discourse with her keen ability to negotiate a common goal and intellectually disarm her opponent with a spoonful of sugar and a mirror. Venus in Libra puts herself in the other person’s shoes, plays a mean devil’s advocate and prefers civil discourse over animalistic warfare. While Venus transits Libra through September 10th, we will all become more motivated to understand where someone else is coming from, to strive toward harmonization and to avoid unnecessary conflict.
Intentionally harness the potency of Venus in Libra by restocking your makeup, getting your hair cut or redecorating. Venus smiles upon intentional beautification or any harmonization or balance rituals. If it would be advantageous to offer an olive branch to your opponent, Venus in Libra is here to support you.
Venus’ transit through Libra is particularly special when you consider the territories on either side. Prior, Venus travels through Virgo, the sign of her fall, where we strive for perfection, extracting the Venusian ease and sweetness from the equation. Afterward, Venus progresses into Scorpio where her breezy appetite for repeatedly falling in love enters the complexity of deep commitment in Scorpio – the sign of her detriment. Consider Venus in Libra as a pillowy clover refuge amongst thistles.
Mercury square the Lunar Nodes 8/15
See intro
Mercury conjoins Mars 8/18
The planet of primal ammunition aligns with the planet of communication where they team up for a bit of mischief, bestowing our lips with shards of glass. A sharp tongue slays a fierce critique in the sign of Virgo. Appropriately, a brain storm:
· Impulsive commentary, verbal ammunition
· Arguments, intellectual combat, stormy discourse, accurate insults
· Voracious writing, hermit occult mode
· Scrap pater tornado, desk explosion, shredding documents
· Divorce papers (terms of Venus)
· Necessary confrontation to finesse eventual peace
· Clearing clutter
Mercury and Mars will together trine Uranus consecutively on August 20th and 21st,
supplementing a theme of liberation and radical sovereignty alongside this piercing celestial storm. Brutal honesty clears the path. A verbal outburst might startle at first, but it can also help clear the air, inviting a new path forward.
This aspect is further intensified as Uranus is stationary in Taurus. There is a strong desire to move stagnant energy by writing or communicating something that has been creating internal upset.
Uranus stations retrograde 8/19
A stationary planet commands our attention, holding still as a fixed star against the midnight black of the sky. When a planet stations, it indicates a reversal, a slowing down, and a gathering of primordial force. Uranus’ station aggravates the revolutionary impulse to smash the oppressive order – conjuring enlivened inspiration from the flames of the molotav cocktail left in your wake. Uranus stations often correspond with a distinctive anxiousness, frazzled nerves, accidentally staying up too late, creative spurts, spontaneously break your own rules and trekking down an unexpected pathway. The taste for adventure invites us to break from stagnancy and live today like it’s our last. As Uranus stations in a square with Saturn, we might continue to see themes of pandemic aid, shifting enterprise models, currencies and most strikingly, the strange weather phenomenon. Uranus in Taurus is ultimately drawing attention to the urgent ecological crisis of which we are all affected. Uranus stations retrograde inviting us to rethink the ways in which we are not living in harmony with our planet. Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus spurs action as a response to ecological grief.
Sun opposite Jupter 8/19
Following Mercury, Venus and even Mars, the Sun is the final traveler through Leo this season, who will now oppose Jupiter in Aquarius. As each of these planets has opposed Jupiter, we have explored themes of overdoing, as well as themes of pride and passion contrasting with civic duty and group participation. The Leo/Aquarius axis additionally highlights the method of living from your heart versus objective reasoning. Jupiter in Aquarius (currently ruling the Sagittarius south node) champions the scientific theory. Jupiter is retrograde, implicit of review. If your original hypothesis proves to be wrong, it’s ok to change your mind based upon your new findings. The Sun is in rulership in Leo, however, which can point to overdoing, oversharing or making it too much about oneself.