Chart Calculations for the Apocalypse

Chart Calculations for the Apocalypse


Astrologers of the modern era are incredibly lucky to possess technological programs which instantly calculate the chart of the moment. For millennia, astrologers meticulously calculated every chart by hand. Computed charts are certainly timesaving, but instantaneous chart renderings have potentially created dissonance from the divinational branch of our art.

Chart Calculations for the Apocalypse is an 8-hour pre-recorded workshop which will teach you how to calculate a birth chart by hand. In this workshop, I’ll demonstrate how to calculate the positions of the planets on any given day from anywhere in the world - down to the seconds of a degree. You will learn how to calculate the midheaven, the ascendant and the house cusps in the Placidus house system (although the technique can certainly be adapted to other house systems).

Chart Calculations for the Apocalypse is designed to support students in the passing of their NCGR Level I exam, as well as those who desire to potentially live off the grid one day. Learning how to calculate a chart by hand will not only cultivate reverence for the mathematics and astronomy of our lineage, but it will empower you to practice astrology no matter what - be it a zombie apocalypse, biblical or ecological - you will be able to calculate a chart anywhere you go.

Those who purchase this workshop will also have the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one lesson if extra support is desired.

Included are several chart examples in each section, to ensure that each student grasps the formulas; various calculation scenarios are thoroughly demonstrated.

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  • Ephemerides (I use Michelson and Pottenger editions for the 20th and 21st centuries) - make sure you have the midnight editions

  • Book of Tables (I use Michelson’s Placidus and Koch tables)

  • Optional: International Atlas and American Atlas (the Book of Tables has coordinates for all the major cities in the US and in the world. Due to popularization of GPS, the International Atlas and the American Atlas are out of print and therefore very expensive. I recommend searching for a used copy or just working with the Book of Tables for now)

  • Basic Calculator

  • Scrap paper and pencils