Your Moon Sign & What Upsets You Most
As of recently, I’ve been in a deep meditation upon the Moon. Our natal Moon placements describes the conditions of the psychic atmosphere we were born into, the emotional language of our caretakers and the way we observed them respond to their environments, which in turn conditioned our own responses. It’s these familiar scenarios which in turn breed a sense of safety and security. The Moon is our first language, mirroring the psychic emotional imprint of our most formative years.
If the Moon describes the ideal conditions which we crave to feel safe and secure, it should also imply the inverse, right? A couple of months ago I took a walk and entered into a deep contemplation on this lunar angle. I was thinking about how true it is with my own moon I wondered if this anecdote would apply to other people’s experiences. With minimal expectation, on 7/26/21, I tweeted: “Your Moon sign will tell you about the thing that upsets you the most.”
The responses were straight up gold. I thought I would catalogue them and share my findings with you today! While I received about the same amount of responses for each sign, some signs had much more to complain about than others. Especially you, Scorpio and Aquarius Moons! The Aquarius Moon responses had me cracking up the most – which then begets the question, is the most sensitive Moon sign Aquarius?? Meanwhile, the Moon signs we most associate most with sensitivity (Pisces and Cancer) turned out to be the ones with the least amount to say. Maybe it’s because you all are just so empathetic and sweet! But there are some things not even a Pisces Moon can let slide…
What upsets the 12 Moons of the Zodiac most:
Aries Moon:
The leading response for nosediving Aries was “Everything” (often followed by “lol”). Not surprisingly, Aries’ answers were characteristically concise. “Generally, everything,” they said. Specifically, however, Aries Moons dislike it when others boss them around, interrupt them, or tell them what to do. This is because acknowledgement and respect are major components of the Aries Moon’s emotional wellbeing. Above all, Aries Moons prefer conditions in which they can feel sovereign, unlimited and free from annoyance. Aries Moons hate restriction. They also dislike “people who keep me waiting” and “people who are not self-aware.” Whatever happens, do not stifle them or keep them waiting. And also, Aries Moons want you to be direct. Beating around the bush just wastes time. Get to the point already!
Some answers seemed to reflect their polarity sign, Libra including “everyday injustices” and “giving a lot of time and energy to a person and not receiving it back.” One thing that is clear, Aries Moons never want to feel like they are wasting their time.
Another common theme was abhorring arrogance. We usually conceptualize Aries placements as confident and courageous, however, those qualities taken to an extreme can certainly manifest as arrogance. As the saying goes, we often despise the qualities in others which we dislike about ourselves. Ok Aries Moon, I see that you don’t like being interrupted and I raise you a zipped lip! We will notice this theme repeat as we proceed.
Taurus Moon:
The thing that upsets Taurus Moons the most? Interrupted sleep, comfort and/or peace. No surprise there! Taurus Moons also do not want to go hungry for any reason. Reportedly, Taurus Moons become incredibly “hangry” where there is lack of food. And don’t rush them. Mkay? Comfort is a top-notch priority for Taurus Moons, which is why they must peddle at their own pace. On that note, Taurus Moons also despise diets, which happen to be far too limiting for the sign of the Moon’s exaltation.
Another popular response from Taurus Moons was a distinctive lack of security and stability. While no one wants to experience “lack of money,” Taurus Moons were the most vocal about this phenomenon. “Unpredictability” is deeply unfavorable for them and whatever you do, don’t break their things! Loyalty is a huge element for all fixed signs, so if a Taurus Moon likes you enough to let you borrow their clothes, take excellent care and return them in one piece!
Reflecting their Scorpio polarity, Taurus Moons won’t tolerate dishonesty or when others attempt to emotionally manipulate them. After becoming attached to someone, Taurus Moons do not prefer to be ghosted. While Taurus tends to be a sign which prioritizes simple pleasures in life and indulging in a slower pace, ironically, one Taurus Moon pointed out that they hate seeing others live a life of mediocrity. Perhaps life is too short not to sip from the top shelf.
Gemini Moon:
The thing that upsets Gemini Moon the most? Not feeling heard or listened to. Ironically, the twinning sign does not want to repeat themselves or have to say “I told you so.” It’s important that brainy air Moons feel seen for their ideas, which might be why they have a lot to say. And yet, they do not wish to be talked over (Aries Moon, you understand). Nor do they like slow talkers (also like you, Aries Moon!). While Aries doesn’t want their time wasted, Gemini Moons want you to just get to the point. They want the juicy deets, ASAP! Gemini Moons also find ignorance distasteful. More specifically, an unwillingness to learn, closemindedness and “a lack of common sense” are deeply irritating scenarios for Gemini Moons. Several Gemini Moons mentioned that it’s especially hurtful when others don’t want to learn from them, specifically.
Pulling from the Sagittarius polarity, Gemini Moons dislike sweeping generalizations and “being in conversations with others who pretend to know more than they really do.” In other words, Gemini Moons can smell BS from a mile away. Gemini placements crave variety and tend to maintain an open mind, which may be why Gemini Moons report that they hate being bored (yawn). One answer that stood out to me was “when I don’t ‘understand’ my emotions, lmao.” So it’s true what the old books say. Gemini Moons really do try to intellectually grasp their emotions.
Cancer Moon:
There was a tie for the top two things which upset Cancer Moons the most. The first distinctive theme was apathy. Cancer Moons notice where there is a lack of emotion or sensitivity to others, and they cannot stand it when others are unnecessarily mean. One person responded, “anything that belittled, teases, mocks or laughs at someone vulnerable,” while another cited “using a position of power to harm, control, take advantage of or tear others down” as the most upsetting thing. Indeed, Cancer Moons are wired to protect others. But also, themselves.
The adjacent theme at the top of Cancer Moon’ list is their own safety. Cancer Moon is the most upset “when I don’t feel safe.” Without hesitation, Cancer Moons won’t stay somewhere where they aren’t nourished or valued – and they won’t lift a finger to try to change anyone’s mind. Their loss! As the Moon is our primary source of connection and intimacy, feeling wanted and desired is an essential scenario for the Moon in Cancer, the sign of its domicile.
My favorite answer? “Wearing jeans instead of sweatpants in my own house.” Absolutely, Cancer Moon. I hear you. And the runner up: “When people are in my house.” Indeed, it’s probably time for this Cancer Moon to get rid of their roommates and their rude encroaching friends.
Leo Moon:
Over half of the Leo Moons who responded disclosed that “being ignored” is the thing which upsets them the most. “Being ignored instead of adored,” pretty much sums it up. Ruled by the Sun, feeling seen and acknowledged by others creates a sense of safety and containment for the Leo Moon. Feeling invisible is apparently the most vicious circle of hell for any Leo Moon, but my favorite response was “a stranger on the internet calling me ugly.” Obviously, this could be upsetting for anyone, but particularly the Leo Moon who needs to feel beloved by all.
Leo Moons need to feel valued for their good looks, but also for their smarts. One Leo Moon reported that “being bossed around like I don’t have a brain” is something that upsets them most. Another Leo Moon shared how upsetting it feels when they don’t have the answers that they should. Embarrassment and shame are not preferable sensations for a Leo Moons. But it’s more than just getting good attention. Leo Moons hate being interrupted (sounds familiar, fellow fire sign Aries!). They also despise a lack of social elegance, and intellectual dishonesty and betrayal. Essentially, these behaviors make Leo Moons feel undervalued and ignored – a big no-no for adoring our Leo Moon friends!
Virgo Moon:
Top response for Virgo? “Myself.” Hyper-critical, much? It turns out that what they say is true – that Virgos aren’t just keen to point out everyone else’s flaws – but that they themselves are the most critically assailed. One Virgo broke it down and named their “overthinking and hyper-criticism of my own self and others around me” as the thing which upsets them the most. Another Virgo comically shared that it’s the “little [things] that don’t affect me at all” which irritate them most, specifically the little quirks that emerge in another person as you’re getting to know them. “I will stop talking to you if it annoys me enough!” they shared.
Another leading response for Virgo Moons was disorder. “When people say ‘let’s go with the flow’ and [they] don’t have a plan, everything irritates me.” Perhaps this is a nod to the Jupiter ruled signs in hard aspect to Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius? “Irritation” is a word Virgo Moons tend to use a lot, by the way! Virgo Moons also like to feel needed, and when they don’t feel needed, there is a distinctive lack of feeling in control which bothers them excessively. Not surprisingly, inefficiency and an absence of logic (hey there fellow Mercurial Moon!) also leaves Virgo Moon disgruntled.
Libra Moon:
Not surprisingly, Libra Moons couldn’t make up their mind, which leaves us balancing a dueling tie for the top two upsets. Also not surprisingly? Unfairness and injustice are in the lead. One Libra Moon shared that “nothing ticks me off more than having to play on an unlevel field if you know what I mean. Inequality of all kinds makes me see red.” Hold up. Y’all can actually see red? Who knew!? Because the other thing that upsets Libra Moons the most is confrontation. Libra Moons reportedly despise unnecessary discourse and rudeness. They also cannot stand being yelled at.
Libra Moons just want everyone to get along. Witnessing others purposely harm another is intolerable for the Libra Moon. They abhor when others are inconsiderate and “clearly never think of anyone else but themselves.” Despite their natural peacemaking tendencies, the most difficult place for a Libra Moon would be becoming entangled in the middle of an upset. Nope, which is why we won’t see them actively involving themselves in such discourse. Nevertheless, can’t everyone just play nice? Libra Moons just want to please everyone, and yet, they hate when other people take advantage of their kindness. It’s a fine line, I tell ya.
Funnily enough, Libra Moons were the most frequent to comment “I agree!” or “I second that!” One person wrote, “scrolling to see what other Libra moons have said because I do not know what upsets me.” And multiple other Libra Moons agreed.
Scorpio Moon:
Scorpio Moons had a lot to say about what upsets them the most. Understandably so. The Moon is in its fall in Scorpio, a sign where it is difficult to forgive and forget. The number one upset for the ever-loyal Scorpio Moon? Lies and betrayal. Do not lie to us. We will find out and then YOU will find out… Beyond dishonesty, Scorpio Moons refuse to be stranded in the dark. “I need full honesty,” one Scorpio Moon shared. Not only does Scorpio hate being left out of the loop, but they also despise being silenced and interrupted (shout out to Aries and Leo Moons). Perhaps Scorpio Moons hate when others talk over them because they are super careful about sharing personal details. If a Scorpio Moon deems you worthy enough to hear what they have to say, the least we can do is listen! As Scorpio is the sign of the Moon’s fall, these themes often trace back to not feeling seen, embraced or heard in childhood.
Several Scorpio Moons also reported that “people” upset them. Similar to Libra Moons, Scorpio Moons find a lack of reciprocation intolerable, and even see it as disrespect. Sneaking into the top three Scorpio Moon answers, attempts to manipulate, take advantage of or dominate them is completely unacceptable. My favorite response was, “you don’t need or deserve to know me so stop asking before I punch you.” In other words, quit asking so many personal questions, bro, we just met!
Sagittarius Moon:
The number one upset for Sagittarius Moons? Feeling stuck or stagnant. Sagittarius Moons emphasized the importance of existing in situations robust with potential for growth. Feeling like they have to stay somewhere “not conducive to [their] expansion” is the thing which upsets them the most. Sagittarius Moons require the freedom to make their own decisions and “follow my own weird little path through life,” or else these usually cheerful folks feel limited. And sad. “Do not tell me what to do,” a Sag Moon insists. “Freedom or bust!”
Sagittarius Moons also despise ignorance, ridged thinking, injustice and a lack of ethics (shout out to Gemini and Libra Moons!). Lies are deeply upsetting for the truth-loving Sag Moons – who also reported how upsetting it is “when others are not direct” or “sugarcoat the truth.” One Sag Moon observed that there seemed to be fewer responses in their Moon sign because Sag Moons are known to be optimistic. That, and they seem to be very concise like their fellow Fire signs. At least in this case. But there was one response which really seemed to hit home: “Only having so many years to learn every facet of the world.” Talk about limitation.
Capricorn Moon:
The most dreadful upset for the Capricorn Moon was “disrespect.” Specific forms of disrespect cited included “wasting [their] time and resources,” when others don’t take them seriously and when others are unnecessarily rude (which sounds a lot like their polarity buddy, Cancer Moon). As the rumors would have it, Capricorn moons are deeply sensitive folk. Here, the Moon occupies the sign of it’s detriment; contrary to what “detriment” implies, the Capricorn Moon’s emotional capacity is quite potent. In fact, several Capricorn Moons weighed in on how upsetting it is when others “completely disregard my feelings and emotions.” And yet, they also dislike it when others are trying to figure out how they feel “24/7.” Please take a step back, sir.
Not surprisingly, “being broke” clinches at the top of upsets for Capricorn Moons. Feeling helpless is absolutely not ideal. Taurus Moons certainly agree but probably for slightly different reasons. For Capricorn Moon, it’s important that they feel “in control of their life and destiny.” Indeed, the sense of purpose runs strong for this Moon. Capricorn Moons appreciate when people know their role. One comment cited irritation by “superiors who act like subordinates.” Hey, if they’re not going to do their job, pay me and I’ll do it! Meanwhile, plenty of other Capricorn Moons mentioned hating their job, generally, but also “nepotism, extraneous hierarchy and powerplays… and petty tyrants.” Whatever you do, just don’t boss them around!
Aquarius Moon:
Like their fellow fixie Scorpio, Aquarius Moons had a lot to say about what upsets them. The Aquarius Moon answers make me cackle because such a broad spectrum of existence upsets them. “This whole dimension,” one person quipped, while another person succinctly typed, “when people.” Periodt. Aquarian Moons dislike “people” and “humanity,” which tells us everything we need to know about certain versions of Aquarian humanitarianism.
Jokes aside, the number one upset for Aquarius Moons is feeling smothered. They hate when other people will not leave them alone or “let me breath.” Talk about fixed air! One person wrote, “get out of my space please. My space, my emotions, my home, get away.” That about sums it up. Aquarius Moons also can’t stand when others attach too quickly or become “over-romantic,” or “take up too much space with their own emotions.” Aquarius Moons want us all to know they are not emotionless, however. They abhor a lack of common courtesy and injustice, but specifically “shitty pet parents.” Take care of your animals, please, or don’t own them!
Aquarius Moons are also irked by “delusional people” who fail to consider other points of view. “Your opinion is not the end-all-be-all,” they would like to remind you. And while Aquarian placements are highly individualistic, Aquarius Moons do not wish to feel left out, labeled as the outcast or worse, dehumanized. To simply feel “tolerated” is their worst nightmare. But also, do not smother. Honorable mentions go out to slow walkers, loud-chewers, physical affection and people putting words in their mouth. Sure, Aquarius Moons might be icy, but deep down, they are possibly the most enraged.
Pisces Moon:
Maybe Twitter isn’t a fish’s favorite place to swim. I received the least amount of responses from Pisces Moons about what upsets them. Blame it on their Jupiterian optimism? Interestingly, while Pisces Moons took up the least amount of space with their complaints, their answers seemed to cover a vast spectrum of hopelessness. The number one response? “Reality in general.” While Aries Moon was adamant, “Everything. Everything upsets me,” Pisces seems more forlorn. “Every damn thing…” Le sigh. Pisces specifically cited that the negativity in the world was deeply overwhelming for them.
Running in second place for the Pisces Moon is “heartlessness.” Inconsideration for others or selfish behavior deeply upsetting for Pisces Moons. Nor can they withstand unwarranted rudeness (shout out to protective Cancer Moons). These squishy rainbow fish cannot stand when others mistake their kindness for weakness, and to top it all off, then weaponize their emotions against them. Yep, that’s called gaslighting. Another distinctive flavor of upset for Pisces Moon? Closemindedness (hey Sag!) and when others are “too rational, logical or practical.” Why are we not surprised! Pisces Moons would like to remind us of the power of positivity, belief and of course, manifestation.
Study Astrology with Me
Catherine Urban (NCGR-PAA IV, ISAR-CAP) is the author of Your Astrological Cookbook: The Perfect Recipe for Every Sign. She maintains a thriving consultation practice, teaches predictive and foundational courses in astrology and shares astrological forecasts via her weekly blog, IG and YouTube. Catherine is a mama, Astro-mage and recently integrated the art of horary into her practice. Connect with Catherine on all platforms @astrocatherine or visit