Catherine Urban Astrology

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Who will win the Presidential Election in 2024 according to Astrology?

Edit/Update: Despite the terrain rapidly shifting and creating more uncertainty around this election, recent events have provided more substance for elements I detected in my forecast below. Please note Biden’s “August” monthly profection. While my forecast absolutely reflects themes we are dealing with now, it was written under the assumption that two specific candidates would face off. This is no longer certain.

I recently recorded a video with friend and colleague Mo Olufemi, which revisits our predictions within the current framework of Biden’s bid in question.

Mo and I plan to reconnect following the DNC to provide further astrological analysis and updates, so please stay tuned!


With the certainty of a rematch between incumbent Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump for the White House in 2024, it’s time we take a closer look at whose chart more strongly favors a win. In this journal, we will explore the candidates’ charts using various ancient astrological forecasting techniques. Techniques include zodiacal releasing, progressions, annual profections, solar returns, transits, monthly profections and monthly return charts. We will also consider the broader backdrop of celestial influence at this time in history, namely, transits and the Aries Ingress.

I aim to consider each of these indications from a neutral lens, striving to neutralize any of my own biases and preferences. Astrologers do ourselves a disservice when our partiality prohibits us from reading a chart for exactly what it says. I will also add that I am a human with my own lens, so you may ultimately detect which candidate I prefer based on my phrasing. Yet, I trust the astrology and uphold an oath to read the charts objectively. Also worth mentioning: I am not an expert in politics, world or United States history. I’m just here to read the astrology. Astrologers, please feel free to make your own connections with the material and arrive at your own conclusions. For those who are not here for the astrology, please do not read or comment any further. This is not an opinion piece, rather, a research experiment to see if these techniques can predict such an important event. I am only but one interpreter and others may arrive at same or different conclusions using their own set of techniques.

We begin our dissection by considering the overarching celestial influences coloring the backdrop. Then we will consider each candidate’s forecast at length. Finally, I will sum up my thoughts and findings at the very end – so feel free to skip to the very end if astrological jargon is not your thing.

The Terrain

The 2024 election takes place during the final stretch of the United States’ Pluto return, a period of upheaval, degeneration, unearthing and increased corruption. While human beings do not live long enough to experience their own Pluto return, the Pluto return can be observed amongst nations. Pluto’s cycle is 248-years, paralleling the 250-year average lifespan of empires (Arbesman, 2011). At the time of the 2024 election, Pluto spends its final days in Capricorn, close to the degree of Pluto in the Sibley Chart (27°). The Sibley chart captures the signing of the Declaration of Independence; however, Americans did not gain their independence from Brittain until Pluto reached 7° Aquarius. Thus, many astrologers feel that the Pluto return will persist into the 2030’s. I wrote a longer article about the Pluto return here for those who are interested (Urban, 2021). No matter one’s political leanings, many Americans concur that we are living in a time where there exists massive distrust in politicians and the political infrastructure. Look no further than the Insurrection on January 6th, 2021. Most Americans have grown tired of the pre-packaged per-usual political options and are more open than ever to fresh figures who offer new ideas. That is one reason Donald Trump appealed to so many in the first place. We are indeed living in a period of “the outsider,” as marked by the 20-year cycle of the Jupiter-Saturn alignment in Aquarius in 2020.

The United States also anticipates its incoming Uranus return in Gemini, spanning from 2025 – 2033. Astrologers have noted a distinctive pattern for the United States: each Uranus transit in Gemini coincides with a significant war. First with the American Revolution, secondly with the Civil War and thirdly, World War II. Astrologers are already speculating what could come next. Tensions simmer with Russia as the Unites States assists Ukraine. Tensions also teeter with China and increasingly so as the United States supports Israel despite growing global concern. A considerable ideological divide persists here at home in the wake of the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017, whose path figuratively split the United States in half. Such tensions persist at home as we head into another election season. We might imagine various scenarios of how the US Uranus Return could play out under the leadership of Biden or Trump (who have very different feelings toward Putin, for example). As astrologers have been quick to point out, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump have Uranus in Gemini natally. Either one of them then, will experience their own Uranus return alongside the nation’s, cementing their own legacy into the history book.

2024 Aries Ingress Chart

The Aries Ingress for 2024 features the Sun cadent in the 6th house, noting a fading support or vitality for the leader – a nod toward the doubts cast around Biden’s advanced age and growing dissatisfaction regarding inflation, the management of the border and his continued support for Israel despite growing concern. Such criticisms and anguish are represented by the Moon’s opposition with Pluto. Nevertheless, the Moon’s emplacement in the 10th house reflects the overall public’s support for the president through the spring of 2025.

Republicans are represented by both Mars and Pluto in Aquarius, showing their willingness to aggressively strategize for control of the executive branch. The ruler of the 4th house (Republicans) is Saturn, who is bonified by Venus in Pisces. This is a very strong configuration which represents Trump’s bid for re-election. I see Venus as an influential celebrity or perhaps the emerging archetype of the “Trad Wife,” which boosts the image of the party and furthers their goals. While the opposing party indeed experiences some friction with Mars on the IC, they are configured favorably in the Aries Ingress. That said, the Moon’s emplacement in the 10th house seems to indicate a leaning toward re-electing Biden.

MArs Retrograde: 12/6/24 - 2/24/25

We must also consider Mars retrograde, whose defining signature (a triple Mars-Pluto opposition) will span the period between the election, Inauguration and into March.  Just two days before the election, Mars arrives in its first of three exact oppositions with Pluto. This configuration is known for its volatility, eruption, violence, corruption, collusion, acts of intimidation and extreme assertions of power. We can expect mischief, tampering and attempts to subvert the democratic voting process.

New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio on 11/1/24 is ruled by Mars at 29° Cancer opposing Pluto at 29° Capricorn. These degrees spell crisis. We have seen Mars wreak havoc at the anaretic degree – namely the Insurrection on January 6th, 2021 (29° Aries), the Hamas attacks on October 7th, 2023 (29°Libra) and the subsequent temporary ceasefire agreement on November 24th, 2023 (29° Sagittarius). This two-week period following the Scorpio New Moon is tinted with a sense of urgency and is dominated by the coercive Mars-Pluto influence, a configuration which inspires extremes around protecting what one considers sacred. Dr Ali Olomi has described Mars in Cancer (on the world astrology level) as the mark of person who has nothing left to lose (Olomi, 2022). It conjures the signature of a shameful defeat, a sore loser and retaliation on the backside of humiliation.  

Mars stations retrograde on 12/6/24 and remains retrograde on Inauguration Day; what could this mean? Look no further than the 2020 election when Mars was retrograde in Aries on Election Day, corresponding with allegations of election fraud. We have seen Mercury retrogrades delay official election results in 2020 and in 2000. Mars retrogrades can turn up the volume of feuds and battles on the world stage, though it can also be a time for sheathing the weapon.

Mars retrogrades ask, “What are we fighting for? What is the game plan now?” Trump will likely feel the Mars retrograde more abruptly, as the retrograde begins in his 1st house, though the bulk of it will occur in his 12th house of hidden enemies and secret plots. Might another loss inspire a fresh game plan for the former president? For Biden, the retrograde begins in his 9th house of courts and international affairs - and continues into his 8th house of financial strategy and favors.

Grover Cleveland

There has been one single instance of a US President being re-elected after a previous loss as the incumbent. Grover Cleveland served as both the 22nd and 24th president of the United States. I looked to identify any corresponding planetary cycles between Cleveland’s re-election and a potential re-election for Trump. I cannot detect any similarities. Using the 11:32 am chart for Grover Cleveland, it’s interesting that his Aquarius ruled profection year contains his lot of Spirit, representing a time of coming into one’s purpose. Additionally, Cleveland arrives in his Level 1 Peak Period from spirit just a couple of months after he is re-elected.

Donald Trump

We will begin with Donald Trump, since there are elements in his 2024 forecast which appear more clearly than Biden’s. Let’s begin with his Zodiacal Releasing Periods – a predictive technique which divides the life of a person into chapters. Each chapter has sub-periods, which we can think of as paragraphs and sentences in a person’s life. Like reading a novel, some pieces of the text are going to be more energized than others. You can learn more about Zodiacal Releasing from Chris Brennan here (Brennan, 2019).

Releasing from the lot of Spirit, Donald Trump began a buildup period on Level 1 in 2000. His cardinal build-up periods contain both benefics and his malefic contrary to sect; this means that his build-up periods are very fortunate for him, but not without some challenge.

On April 20th, 2025, Donald Trump enters a peak period on Level 1. This is a very big deal. This shift suggests that the most significant chapter in Trump’s life has yet to be written. He still has much more to accomplish and the things he ends up becoming known for have still yet to unfold. Trump’s Level 1 peak period corresponds with the sign of Leo – a sign which contains his malefic contrary to sect. While Donald Trump will rise in influence, it will likely be under difficult circumstances. Mars can indicate disruption, upsets, uprisings, battles, and conflict.

Recall the aforementioned Mars retrograde which occurs partially in Leo, Donald Trump’s first house in his natal chart. Note that this peak period begins not long after transiting Mars stations direct and re-enters Leo on 4/19/25, almost to the day of this Peak period beginning on 4/20/25. This feels significant, as this is also Trump’s Mars return. Could this rise to power in April signify a period of retaliation after yet another embarrassing loss? Or could this imply a 2nd Presidential victory, but this is a period where Trump begins enacting some of his policies for which he ends up becoming known? This could also be true, though this period feels much coarser than his benefic-enriched buildup period where he was elected the first time. Indeed, Grover Cleveland entered his peak period just a couple of months after inauguration. While Trump increases in magnitude, we must keep in mind the overtly challenging nature of this peak period for him.

Narrowing it down to look at the sub-periods leading into election season, Trump is on build-up and peak periods on levels 1-4 on election day. Grover Cleveland was too.

One thing that is absolutely clear: whether Donald Trump secures a re-election or not, he will continue to rise in significance, influence and even power.

Trump’s secondary progressions

His secondary progressions paint the same picture. Trump’s progressed midheaven conjoins Pluto in 2025, indicating a period of his professional life which calls him to embody his full capacity for power. He will also face immense challenges to his power. Such an alignment represents a period where a person can actualize their full potential, stopping at nothing. Pluto indicates obsession, extreme (even manipulative) exertions of power. Pluto can easily show up as the autocrat, the dictator, POTUS and/or the embodiment of Pluto Return destruction.

Trump’s 2024 Solar Return

Narrowing it down further, let’s explore Trump’s 2024 Solar return. Beginning on 6/14/24, Trump enters his 7H profection year, ruled by the sign of Aquarius. Saturn remains his annual time lord from his natal 12th house, carrying over themes from his 2023 profection year of suffering, alienation, solitude and secrets. With countless lawsuits both criminal and civil, no doubt that this has been a difficult period for Trump. Yet, he perseveres. Astrologers have pointed to the royal star Regulus on his ascendant, which seems to serve as a protective amulet.


·       Aquarius as his sign of the year: innovation and forward thinking; strategy and planning

·       Saturn as planetary ruler of the year: hardship, but also confronting problems and finding solutions, discernment and paring down.

·       Natally, Saturn is in its joy in the 12th house: despite the challenges, this is a planet which gives gifts. It is also supported by both benefics, Venus and Jupiter. Saturn is in detriment, which indicates a need to get out of his comfort zone and lean on others. Note his new “humble” request for donations.

·       Overall, his ruler of the year is both very challenged and very supported. While hardship hammers down, he finds outstretched hands. This configuration will also highlight hidden enemies, secrets, plots, and (every liberal’s favorite) imprisonment. While he likely will not go to jail, he is likely experiencing peak victimhood of his witch hunt narrative, or perhaps his ability to travel and live as freely is curbed.

·       Saturn is in the 6th sign from Aquarius and therefore the derived 6th house from where we have advanced the ascendant; this may highlight some health challenges or themes of employees for the former president.

·       Aquarius contains his lot of Fortune. This year is shaped by twists of fate through no intention of his own – related to partnerships and opponents. Fortune is ruled by his 12th house Saturn, echoing themes of imprisonment, suffering, enemies, and alienation. This could point to marital strife or something which befalls his opponent, Joe Biden. It could also be connected to his running mate – perhaps the RNC forces him to choose someone he would not ordinarily have chosen for himself as VP.

·       We also consider the ruling triplicity lord for his natal sect light to consider his eminence in this stage of life. For Trump, this planet is Jupiter. In his Solar return (from here, SR), Jupiter is cadent, suggesting that this will not be a year he increases in eminence. However, this is our first indication that that this will not be a year of increasing his eminence.

·       Trump’s temperament: Trump is one of the most choleric charts I have ever seen, giving him extreme confidence, a tendency to think in black-and-white, a competitive and confronting nature and someone who is quick to anger. In his SR, we see more of a phlegmatic balance. Since this is so opposite for Trump, this is another indication that his health could become more fragile. Additionally, this is a year in which he becomes more contemplative and solemn. This delineation pairs nicely with his 12th house emphasis we see elsewhere. He may not choose to be as outspoken this year or his health may suffer as a result of the stress he endures this year.

·       His sign of the year jumps from the natal 7th house to the SR 8th house– another indication that there could be trouble in his marriage, in partnership (who will be his VP?) or even some sort of troubling fate for his opponent.

·       Saturn moves from the natal 12th house to the SR 9th house of law and judges as well as foreign policy, suggesting that much of his private struggle derives from his legal disputes. Saturn’s condition greatly improves in his solar return, suggesting that these problems will lessen this year. However, we could also read that some of his suffering or self-undoing is inspired by legal drama.

·       His natal ascendant moves to the SR 2H, demonstrating his primary focus on increasing and managing his assets.

·       The SR ascendant, Cancer, corresponds with his natal 12th house, reinforcing themes of secret plots, enemies, private ailments and/or imprisonment.

·       The SR Lot of Fortune is in Libra, corresponding with his natal Neptune in the 3rd house. Things that befall Trump through no fault of his own may deal with falsehoods, lies, glamour and illusions. It makes me think of his devoted following – as if this is a year it takes on a life of its own beyond his own control. The 3rd house is a house which represents the opposition to judgements or to executive decree. Could there be a grassroots movement which is bigger than him?

·       The SR Lot of Spirit is in Aries, corresponding with his natal 9th house. Something he pursues revolves around judges, judgements, law, immigration, and foreign policy. We know he intends to deport millions of people as soon as he gets into office, as well as several other policies as detailed in his lofty “Agenda47.” But perhaps this also points to some sort of political strategy, appeals or countersuit.

·       The SR Lot of Victory conjoins his natal Mars in his 1H. His fiery, bombastic, and confronting personality will prove to be an asset for him this year.

·       The SR Lot of Nemesis corresponds with his natal 7th house, his sign of the year, showing that much of his difficulty arises from opponents and relationships (spousal or VP).

·       The SR Moon is in Virgo, which applies in an opposition to Saturn, then squares Mercury and the Sun, then conjoins IC then squares Venus. This illustrates some of the anxiousness he feels this year as he strategizes and plans, the adversity he faces early in the year, the outspokenness and visibility, prominence, then some sort of benefit. Things seem to turn out ok for him.

Overall, this solar return does not seem to describe a win. Instead, it seems to describe tremendous difficulty in his personal life, spanning from his slew of legal and financial troubles (more on that in just a moment) and potential marital issues – which Melania’s absence from his campaign certainly spurs further speculation. We see a lot of emphasis on the 12th house of private battles, secrets, and plots. With a Cancer rising, however, the themes from the SR could approach quickly and then fade after a few months. A quick peak at his solar return for 2025 seems to carry over many of these 2nd, 12th, 7th and 9th house themes but reveals a Sun conjunct the midheaven, supporting Trump’s rise in influence in 2025 despite mounting personal problems.

Trump’s Transits:

Since Saturn is Trump’s ruling planet of the year, transiting Saturn in his natal 8th house will be very thematic, highlighting themes of financial planning, debt, donations, investors, business dealings, endings, and… dare I suggest, alimony. Trump’s financial struggles are not a secret as he strives to stay on top of the expenses of his legal woes and aims to convince the Republican party to assist him with his debts. Additionally, Pluto transits Aquarius, his sign of the year, bringing in additional themes of power, domination, resourcefulness, demolition, and the uprooting of the hidden. We also see Uranus forming a sextile to his natal Saturn this year, stationing direct exactly at 23° Taurus within a week of the inauguration. This is a planet of rebellion, impulse, activation, and revolution.

Monthly Profections and Revolutions:

In this section, I will blend Trump’s monthly profections and his monthly revolution charts to narrow down the period leading up to election. This is a very complicated technique which I’m still learning in detail. For brevity’s sake, I will not be able to elaborate on how I arrive at each of my conclusions, but I can recommend Dr. Ali Olomi’s Patreon (Olomi, 2022) for learning how. You can also check out my latest webinar which covers several of the techniques used here.

Overall, Trump’s October and November “months” look incredibly difficult, but his December month looks like he experiences a more supportive though wild twist. The monthly return charts suggest that Trump likely loses the election but then challenges the outcome through the courts and highly likely, a second insurrection-type event occurs in his name.  That would explain the prevalence of the 9th and 12th house themes and could explain what he becomes known for via his incoming zodiacal releasing peak period.

Trump’s Additional transits:

The Mars retrograde saga plays out between his 1H and 12H from November through March 2025, highlighting an importance of strategizing. A Mars retrograde shy of a Mars return can be very significant and coincide with a period of slowing down. This is a period of significant reassessment for Trump. Yet, we have also seen battles become more accentuated during Mars retrograde, including Trump’s famous challenges to the election in 2020. The 12th house emphasis could highlight secret plots. Trump always seems to find his way out of trouble. He is likely trying to find his way out of some challenge during this time.

By February 2025, Saturn will square his Sun and Moon indicating either the pressures or demands of a job or the need to face something very difficult in his personal life. Saturn transits to the Moon are not fun and bring a quality of seriousness or even disappointment. It can feel like the bubble has been burst. Saturn helps us to face facts and grab the reigns to rise to the issues.

The one transit that looks objectively positive for Trump is that on election night, Trump enjoys celebratory Jupiter in a conjunction with his Sun and north node. This looks victorious and prosperous – but is it enough given everything else we’ve considered? Indeed, during his previous loss, Jupiter still trined his midheaven. Jupiter’s conjunction with his Sun and north node increases visibility, confidence and brings him a sense of luck and community support.

Uranus conjoins his MC beginning in May (when Trump was convicted on all 34 felonious counts in his hush-money case) and peaks from election season through April; Uranus is lawlessness, rebelliousness, liberation, personal freedom, and an unstoppable wildcard. We cannot expect Trump to follow the rules. This is a transit where we must expect the unexpected. Although I would not be surprised if he indeed gets a divorce this year, I see this transit showing up as a surprise turn of events in his career.

Trump’s Individual Conclusion:

One thing that is certain is that the fullness of Trump’s legacy has yet to be realized. The things he will be most remembered for have likely yet to occur. Both Trump’s zodiacal releasing and progressions indicate an increase in influence and prominence. However, his profections, solar return, transits and monthly returns for this year indicate tremendous difficulty in the coming year. The most helpful transit which could clear the path to the White House for Trump would be Jupiter’s transit to his Sun and north node, however, with Saturn as his time lord squaring both transiting Jupiter and his luminaries, Jupiter may only serve as a silver lining against much of the adversity he faces this year.

Based on everything I have seen here, I do not expect Trump to find another path to the White House unless by Mars retrograde subversion or by some truly wild twist of fate (the lot of fortune may play a very important role as we will see in Biden’s analysis). Based on all of the above, my guess is that Trump will have a difficult year with assets, legal and marital woes and that he will not win the election, but that the movement he continues to inspire will lead to a bigger uprising, potentially even a successful challenge to the election and or attempt to take the White House by force. Given the quality of Mars in his L1 Peak period from Spirit, his legacy will be one of conflict, rebellion and even destruction. Trump will likely be understood by astrologers as the final nail in the coffin of the US Pluto return.

Joseph Biden

We have what appears to be a rounded birthtime for the current president at 8:30 am. This birth time places his lot of Spirit at 29° Gemini. Many astrologers have noted the ambiguity, as his lot of Spirit could easily be in the sign of Gemini or Cancer. Patrick Watson wrote an incredibly thorough article on Biden’s Zodiacal Releasing Periods (Watson, 2020) exploring these two lot of Spirit possibilities. On a Casual Astrology Podcast episode exploring the Lot of Spirit and Fortune, Chris Brennan has also made a case for Biden’s birth time as 8:33 am, bringing his lot of Spirit into Cancer; like Patrick, Chris asserts that this chart implies greater eminence signatures. After taking some time to explore both options, I prefer Biden’s lot of Spirit in Cancer, which is what I will use to explore his zodiacal releasing periods in our next section.

Releasing from the Lot of Spirit in Cancer, Biden is first elected to the senate in 1972. This coincides with a Level 1 peak period in Leo. These fixed peak periods contain Mars, his malefic contrary to sect, both luminaries and his benefic contrary to sect. Overall, these periods of importance carry themes of visibility and some benefits, but also great difficulty. Indeed, as Biden reaches a career peak in winning his first senate seat, he simultaneously mourned the passing of his first wife and child in a tragic car accident.

During his Level 1 Virgo cool-down period, Biden launches his first presidential campaign in June of 1987. However, he suspends his campaign in September 1987 due to accusations of plagiarism. This event coincides with a loosing of the bond on level 3 (jumping from Leo to Pisces), which ends up foreshadowing his eventual Presidential victory.  

Biden entered a Level 1 buildup period in Libra in 2005. His cardinal build-up periods are objectively more positive, containing an exalted Jupiter (his benefic of sect). He is elected as Vice President alongside President Obama in 2008 – enjoying buildup periods on levels 1, 2 and 3. He is then inaugurated in a major peak period on level 3.

Biden is presently in yet another peak period from Spirit on Level 1 – this time in a moderate peak period in Scorpio, which spans from 2013 through 2028 – the year in which a hypothetical 2nd term in office would conclude. Interestingly, the bulk of Biden’s 2020 Presidential campaign occurs during a major peak period on level 2, but he wins the election during a cooldown period in PISCES – the same foreshadowing period where he experienced the loosing of the bond 33 years prior. Even though this is a cool down period, this is a full circle moment to his suspended 1987 campaign. Pisces also happens to be the 11th sign from fortune and therefore, “the place of acquisition,” where one can acquire support, eminence, and success.

As Biden ramps up for his hopeful re-election, he remains in his moderate peak on level 1, but is now in a cool-down period on Level 2, suggesting that he is wrapping something up. This Level 2 period is in the sign of Gemini, which contains his malefic of sect. We can expect moderate difficulty here. As luck would have it, the election takes place during a Pisces Level 3 period – a sign we’ve seen correspond with elections for Biden as his place of acquisition – and a major peak on Level 4. Inauguration would also occur during a Major peak on level 3 and level 4.

Overall, Biden’s ZR periods very much support his re-election.  


But how does this stack up to Trump?

Comparing the two candidates’ periods, both look favorable, but each tells its own story which will make more sense as we get closer to the election. We can see that Biden’s look favorable, but he is indeed wrapping something up. Trump’s also look favorable, but he is just getting started.

Overall, I think that Biden’s zodiacal releasing periods are very supportive of re-election, though I’m very curious about what happens in February of 2025:

Interestingly, from January 25th, 2025 (immediately following inauguration) through February 24th, 2025, Biden enters a loosing of the bond on level 3 (jumping from Taurus to Sagittarius), which leads him right into a new build up period on Level 3, which then transitions him into a buildup period on level 2. There is something innovative here which happens which will set Biden on a new course. Because the loosing of the bond happens in a level 3 cool down, some may interpret this as a departure or ending of some sort. Could he be beginning a new life in retirement? Or could he be turning over a new leaf in his political career?

I decided to look back to his Virgo Level 1 period to see what happened the last time he had a loosing of the bond which jumped from Taurus to Sagittarius. I found that October 9, 1999- Nov 8, 1999, he experienced this same loosing of the bond sequence. What I found was that Biden supported the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which allowed for universal banking. Many understand this repeal’s part in the 2008 financial disaster, and continued influence today. Biden has been quoted specifying his regret for this vote (CNN, 2016). More recently, he’s proposed fairer taxes on wealthy as well as increasing the tax on private jet fuel. I wonder if this loosing of the bond would lead to presidential action toward banking and financial regulations.

Biden’s 2023 Solar Return

Unfortunately, we have twice as much data to consider here as Biden’s birthday falls between Election Day and Inauguration. Let’s begin by exploring Biden’s 2023 profections and solar return.

Biden is in a 10th house year ruled by the sign of Virgo and ruled by the sign of Mercury. The 10th house highlights themes of career, visibility, prominence, and a concern with one’s legacy. Virgo as the sign of the year will emphasize a need to concern oneself with details, having various plans based on the turning of events, perfecting, and improving various areas in his focus – as well, Virgo can also highlight a desire to use one’s knowledge to be of service in some way. Mercury as his time lord will highlight themes of education, speech, children, media, technology, transportation – these topics may be more important to Biden both personally and professionally. Mercury keeps us stimulated and busy. Interesting to note that Biden was also in a Mercury-ruled year the last time he campaigned against Trump and won.

Mercury is not in great condition in Biden’s chart. It is placed in his 12th house, combust, peregrine and afflicted (but also received) by its ruler Mars. This could explain some of the high demands and burnout of election season while maintaining Presidential duties. Helping Mercury, however, are both benefics, showing that hard work can certainly pay off. Mercury in Scorpio in the 12th house could suggest the resourcefulness of the Biden fundraising efforts to funnel into strategic and biting political ads against Donald Trump. The 12th house can also suggest the importance of private battles, secret plots, enemies, and chronic ailments. I think of the Mercury in Scorpio ruling his 10th as the “Dark Brandon” meme, which he has ironically embraced.


·       Mercury is in the 3rd sign from the 10th, suggesting the importance of media, advertisements, visiting local towns, transportation, and early education.

·       Leo rises in the solar return (SR) chart of 2023, suggesting that these themes are enduring throughout the entire year, and thus, worth considering as we narrow in on the final months of his solar return: the election.

·       Mercury jumps from the obscurity of the 12th house to the visible, life-giving 5th house. This is considered the house of good fortune. Mercury is no longer combust and is now free from the malefics. Mercury retains support from Venus. All in all, this looks like a year which can improve career topics. However, Mercury is in Sagittarius, the sign of its detriment, and is therefore out of its comfort zone. There may be some awkwardness he deals with, or needing to pursue professional matters in a way he is not accustomed to. It may show the need to adapt to new pressures. Mercury in exile could also point toward some of his supporters turning on him for his continued support for Israel. This placement also reiterates the importance of children this year. Indeed, Hunter Biden faces two criminal trials before the election.

·       SR Jupiter and Uranus conjunct the MC, bringing good fortune but also topics of home and health to the fore. We can also expect some twists and surprises for Biden, professionally. Uranus can indicate stress, but also big career changes.

·       Biden’s temperament is melancholic-choleric showing an individual who is pensive, pessimistic, but needs to take action and challenge himself. His 2023 SR, he increases in choleric, giving him gusto, inspiration and the will to win. We saw this fiery energy at his State of the Union speech.

·       SR lot of Fortune is in Taurus, corresponding with his natal 6th house, pointing toward topics of health, military, employees, public servants, and the workforce. Fortune suggests things which happen to us which are outside of our control. This alignment may justify the concerns many Americans have concerning his health and his age. Further, the Lot of Nemesis lands on the same degree of Fortune in the SR, indicating the burdensome qualities of these problems indeed. Biden has promised to keep American troops from deploying, but will he be able to keep this promise? Or could this highlight a legitimate health concern which we have yet to see?

·       SR lot of Spirit at 20° Scorpio highlights the importance of Biden’s natal Mercury as showcasing something he intentionally pursues this year. This again reiterates important themes around children, technology, media, speeches, the need to be perceptive and shrewd – as well as career topics, negotiations, allies, and enemies.

·       His sign of the year, Virgo, jumps from the natal 10th house to the SR 2nd house, bringing in themes of finances, budget, and assets to his career themes. This is something he seems to be proud of, based on his State of the Union address which boasted the creation of jobs and combating inflation.

·       The SR Leo Ascendant corresponds with his natal 9th house. Something which ends up being a big focus for him is 9th house topics – courts, judgements, and foreign policy. Absolutely, his attempts to stay loyal to Israel while also advocating for a path to a permanent ceasefire are becoming a defining topic leading up to this election, and something both his supporters and critics take issue.

·       SR lot of Victory in Pisces corresponds with 4th house topics of home and family, which is where he can find success and abundance this year. Biden is known to leave the White House most weekends to visit home.

·       Biden’s triplicity ruler for this period of life is the Moon. It is angular in the SR, suggesting that this is a year where he increases in eminence. The Moon angular is strong; it moves into a square with Mars (war) and then a Sun (leadership). It is not an easy year, but it is a strong one.

Biden’s 2023 solar return absolutely supports a re-election. The 10th house themes of career and success are strongly supported here. We already see many of the additional emphasized themes playing out and this chart promises to endure through his birthday. But what would next year bring?

Biden’s 2024 Solar Return:

Biden celebrates his 82nd birthday just weeks after the election. It’s worth considering his solar return to see if it supports another Presidential term.

Biden enters an 11th house year ruled by the sign of Libra on November 20th, 2024. Venus becomes his ruler of the year. This is a year which highlights charisma, aesthetics, relationships, diplomacy, negotiations and the support of his audience, followers, and supporters. Libra is a sign which supports political themes.

Venus is not in the best condition in Biden’s natal chart. She is combust, in detriment in Scorpio and in the obscurity of the 12th house. She does, however, receive support from Jupiter and is a benefic herself. She is also received by her ruler Mars. All in all, this describes finding support from unconventional places (Biden has benefited from befriending many republicans, for example), despite challenges around feeling a loyal sense of support.

In Biden’s 2024 SR, Venus moves to Capricorn, where she holds triplicity rulership and this increases a sense of support in the coming year. Venus is in the 3rd house, a house which slightly increases vitality from the 12th, she also holds mutual reception with Saturn, the ruler of his natal 2H and 3H, suggesting that support comes from media, financial backers, and folks on a local level. Venus is no longer combust, shedding a sense of obscurity in one’s feeling of support. This also indicates an increase of support in the year ahead.

·       His sign of the year moves to the 12th house of the solar return, suggesting a theme of hidden enemies, hidden battles or even oppressed or minoritized peoples.  Hidden enemies could also threaten his sense of support.

·       Scorpio ascends in the SR, further emphasizing 12th house topics as utmost importance in the year ahead. What becomes important in the year ahead: themes of ailing, private battles, hostages, displaced peoples, migrants, refugees, and the imprisoned population. This also highlights dealing with hidden enemies and secret plots.

·       His natal ascendant jumps to the 2nd house in the 2024 SR, renewing a focus on finances. This supports my ZR theory with his loosing of the bond in January 2025.

·       SR Fortune is in Pisces, which corresponds with his natal 4H – something indeed happens this year with housing and property. Combined with Saturn transiting his 4th house, this is another indication of a potential move. That said, the Bidens own several properties, so it’s unclear whether this would be a move out of the White House or a development with one of their other properties.

·       Lot of Spirit is in Gemini conjunct Jupiter, suggesting that things which he intentionally pursues this year connect with relationships, partnerships, and negotiations with allies/enemies. There is something expansive about Jupiter’s influence. This feels important with the incoming Uranus transit to Gemini. Tensions are high on a global level, and it appears they will continue to increase into 2024 and 2025.

·       Mars conjoins the MC. This looks very difficult for professional matters and could potentially signify a departure. Mars aligns with the degree of his natal Pluto and brings in themes of hidden enemies as well as children. I wonder if the legal pursuits of Hunter Biden will be especially thematic this year, as Mars rules his 5th house. This could also indicate the prominence of war in the coming year. Should Biden lose the election, this signifies his departure. Should he be re-elected, this signifies the difficulty of this term and with the incoming Uranus return, potential increase in themes of warring. Mars is his malefic contrary to sect and therefore, his most problematic planet. This may also highlight the ongoing Mars retrograde saga which squares his natal Moon (more on this in a moment).

·       Biden’s SR Moon is indeed content in the sign of Cancer, but it shows a diminishing in eminence as his triplicity lord for this chapter of life. The Moon applies by sextile to Uranus, and also forms a favorable trine to the lot of Fortune. This indicates favorable conditions for Biden. Could a potential departure from office make him happy? I think it could. But most likely, a win would make him feel the most rewarded.

·       Biden’s temperament is melancholic-choleric showing an individual who is pensive, pessimistic, but needs to take action and challenge himself. His 2024 SR brings an increase in phlegmatic energy, which inspires a need for more solitude and reflection.

·       Biden has the south node transiting his sign of the year, indicating diminishment, letting go.

·       The themes of the solar return promise to endure for the entirety of the year ahead and we may not see all the themes manifest right away.

Overall, I think that his 2023 solar return looks much more positive for career topics and even a re-election, but his 2024 solar return tells of a vivid mix of individual support in his career, but also tremendous career difficulty and potentially even a letting go. There are definite themes indicating departure, slowing down and an increased focus on home, property, family, and personal life.

We see very different themes from the 2023 SR and the 2024 SR. Let’s next consider his progressions and transits to see if we can fill in these gaps.


Biden’s Progressions:

In August of 2024, Biden’s progressed ascendant moves from intellectual and objective Aquarius to a softened, more compassionate and soulful Pisces rising. This is also the exact month of his progressed lunar return. This may be a time of checking in with oneself regarding identity, purpose and knowing one’s limits. We may not see the fullness of this development right away, but in the coming two years, we will see an increased softening in demeanor; this could coincide with the inevitable aging process and retirement from his political career. Astrologers often see these tone shifts coincide with big life changes.

Progressed Saturn stationed direct at 77, which coincided with becoming president (an entire shift to the framework of his life). Progressed Uranus shifted at 79; this is something we typically see the effects of within a few years. This is another indication of some major changes for the President. As he clocks in at 82 years of age in November 2024, I would expect something Uranian, surprising and perhaps even life-altering to click. Transiting Uranus is in the 6th house of ailments opposite the life-giving Sun, yet another indication of a health risk.

Biden’s Additional Transits:

Saturn stations retrograde at 19° Pisces on 6/29/24, nearly exact Biden’s IC. Patrick Watson has tracked this transit to correspond with big moves for Biden. Any practicing astrologer would cite the same themes– challenges around home, property and family become pronounced. I would also point out that this Saturnian pressure could easily boomerang into his MC, his career point, marking a period of immense pressure, duty, and challenge – a feeling of weightiness and the need to face difficult truths as well as professional criticism.

We also see a Venus retrograde in early 2025 begin in Biden’s 4th house. This will be very significant as Venus is now Biden’s time lord. Deliberations around home and property will be highly significant for Biden in early 2025. Remember that the lot of fortune in his 2024 SR indicates developments beyond his control in this area. We will also see eclipses begin in Biden’s 4th house beginning in September 2024 and an eclipse on his MC in March 2025.

Uranus opposes Biden’s Sun and Venus – a transit which will be felt much more acutely once time lordship is handed over to Venus on his 2024 solar return. This is a transit which encourages authenticity and brings tremendous excitement to the life. Many have commented on how energized Biden sounded in his state of the union address – I’d point to Uranus for this. People often make big changes in their lives under this influence. Uranus corresponds with freedom, autonomy and a breaking of the rules. Biden may surprise us with some of his decision-making, or he may find freedom in his political departure – or could it be that something unexpected happens to him? Indeed, Venus rules both his 11th house of support, but also his 6th house of ailments.

We need to dissect the Pluto transit to Biden’s natal Moon. The exalted Moon in his 6th house wards off illness and promises strength in health matters. However, Pluto threatens to alter everything it touches. Biden’s Moon may not be as untouchable as it normally is. It’s worth mentioning here that it may not just be naturally occurring health matters which may ail him. With a Mars ruling his 12th house of hidden enemies moving retrograde in his 8th house, opposing Pluto, and squaring his natal Moon, I would also caution the President against the potential of assassination attempts. Remember that Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto has absolutely nothing left to lose. Also remember that Uranus opposite his Sun can also bring shocking and sudden change. Therefore, it never hurts to be cautious about such things. This is a combination which looks indeed injurious, and the influence is prolonged, spanning from November 2024 through March 2025.

All in all, Biden’s transits and progressions tell of major chapter changes in his life. Pluto to the Moon citing major psychological challenges, Uranus pointing toward surprises, freedom and rebellion, a volatile Mars-retrograde squaring his Moon and considerable emphasis on his 4th house all seems to draw attention to his personal life and particularly, home and health matters.


Election Day Transits:

Biden’s time lord Mercury conjoins his ascendant. While this would not ordinarily look significant, because Mercury is his time lord, it very much could be significant. Bringing in themes from the 10th house of career to the first house, indicating either victory speech or concession. The Sun conjoins his natal Mars, stimulating a sense of fight, anxiousness, and agitation (though the Sun conjoins his natal Mars on every election night). Transiting Mars squares his Moon, which seems very frustrating, is part a very significant retrograde story. Venus and Jupiter square his MC, which could point toward beneficial outcome. During his previous victory, Jupiter trined his MC (Jupiter also trined Trump’s MC, who lost).

Monthly profections and monthly returns for the fall of 2024:

As demonstrated above for Trump, in this section, I will blend Biden’s monthly profections and his monthly revolution charts to narrow down the period leading up to election. This is a very complicated technique which I’m still learning in detail. For brevity’s sake, I will not be able to fully elaborate on how I arrive at all of my conclusions, but I can again recommend Dr. Ali Olomi’s Patreon for learning how, or you can check out my latest webinar which covers several of the techniques used here.

Monthly profections and monthly returns after 2024 Solar Return:

Overall, Biden’s monthly profections and returns appear favorable around the election and inauguration. A win for Biden seems very possible, though we cannot deny the difficulty he faces under the umbrella of his 2024 solar return. It seems that much of the difficulty therein will have to wait until after the Inauguration to actualize.

Based on defined emphasis on partnership in Biden’s forecast, I felt compelled to consider Vice President, Kamala Harris’s chart and forecast. Here, it was not necessary for me to zoom in on her year ahead on a granular level as I did with the other candidates. Looking at the larger, stand out influences in her chart for 2024 – 2025 clarified a few missing pieces for me.

Kamala Harris

Harris’ Zodiacal Releasing, Solar Return + transits

Kamala Harris’ transits on election night look exciting. Like Trump’s celebratory Jupiter transit, Kamala also enjoys Jupiter’s transit - but this time, Jupiter nears her ascendant. Venus transits her descendant, lot of fortune and lot of spirit.

Kamala Harris moves into a Gemini-ruled 1st house year on October 20th, 2024, highlighting themes of visibility, interfacing and persona. Her time lord will hand over to Mercury in her natal 6th house of work and service in secretive, tight-lipped Scorpio. This placement could also highlight themes of health and military. Seems like it fits in with Biden’s year ahead themes already. Finding a parallel between their forecasts suggests that they could continue working alongside one another.

·       Sign of the year, Gemini moves to the SR 7th house, placing an emphasis on partnerships – certainly her working relationship with the President comes to mind.

·       SR ascendant matches within a degree of Joe Biden’s natal ascendant. This demonstrates that her working partnership with him is very important in the year ahead. Venus also conjoins the ascendant, which says something beneficial about this relationship and the year ahead in general for her.

·       On election night, Jupiter conjoins Kamala Harris’ ascendant; though the transit isn’t yet exact, it can still indicate victory. Further, Kamala enjoys Jupiter in her sign of the year, bringing opportunities, expansion, and blessings in the year ahead.

·       Saturn conjoins the IC in her SR highlighting issues and challenges around home/property, career and 9th house legal issues.

·       Her SR lot of victory corresponds with her 9th house, suggesting benefit in this area. Perhaps then, Trump’s challenges to the election are unsuccessful. Perhaps Harris’ policies, international and moral, gain wider support.

·       Kamala’s is in a peak period from Spirit on Level 1, 2 and 4 on Election Day; her peak periods only contain her benefic of sect, which means that these periods are overtly positive for her. On level 3, she is in a cardinal cool-down, which contains her luminaries. All looks very sunny for her.

·       In April 2025, the same month in which Trump enters his Level 1 peak, Kamala experienced a loosing of the bond on level 3. Interesting. Both of them will have their Mars returns in June.

·       Saturn continues to transit her 10th house indicating increased responsibility in her profession. This transit can be very difficult but can offer big payoff. Eclipses will arrive in her 10th house of career beginning in September 2024, bringing sudden shifts in career and life direction.

While Trump and Biden’s forecasts provide enough data on their own, both candidates seem to have their own shares of ups and downs. Kamala’s chart is much clearer. 2024 describes a period in her life in which her eminence and visibility increase. It is also strongly suggestive of a continued professional relationship with Biden in the year ahead.


After obsessing over this material for weeks, I feel confident enough to risk sharing my prediction with the public. We still have 5 months until the election and a lot can change between now and then. The themes presented in this forecast will only become clearer as we get closer to the deciding date – and only will everything become 20/20 in hindsight. As I have invested in this experiment, I’ve wondered what the use in knowing the outcome is – and maybe we aren’t supposed to know. Or maybe I cannot make such a prediction alone. I would love for other astrologers to weigh in with their unbiased thoughts.

A few things which appear certain:

  1. Trump continues to increase in prominence and influence - whether he indeed wins the election, successfully challenges a Biden win and overtakes the White House, or whether his fanbase and loyal supporters rally behind him, elevating him further in a counter-political movement. What Trump comes to be known for in history books has yet to be written. It’s my belief that he will not win the presidency, but that the loss will fuel his next legacy-defining period. This period will not be an easy one for him, but an important one.

  2. The Sore Loser signature: If I had to make a judgement call, Mars’ triple opposition to Pluto in a square to Biden’s Moon indeed looks like a formal and informal challenge to a Biden victory. It looks highly contentious, ruthless and even potentially violent. I suspect that there will be property damage to government buildings, as we saw with the Insurrection. While I believe Biden and Harris retake the White House, I don’t expect Trump to concede. We can expect retaliation.

  3. Biden’s 2023 solar return looks victorious, but his 2024 is very mixed. Based on his monthly returns, I am guessing that the difficulty in his 2024 return derives from professional demands or health challenges later in the year. Harris’ chart seems to clarify this and suggest that they win.

  4. Biden’s ZR maintains that he is still in a peak period on L1 for another 4 years, suggesting that he remains on the job for another 4 years. Yet, Trump rises into a peak period on Level 1 in April. Harris is also peaking on all levels and sees no signs of slowing down. This suggests that each of them are currently eminent, but Biden’s will soon wane, Harris’ persists and Trump’s increases.

  5. The Aries Ingress leans slightly more toward a Biden-Harris win.

  6. Concerns for Biden’s health are legitimate. There are several indications that his health or safety could be at risk both in 2024 and 2025.

  7. The United States is entrenched in a Pluto Return and soon Uranus return. The political terrain cannot be expected to be smooth and uneventful. The entire infrastructure is meant to be challenged, pressurized, and transformed.

  8. Final answer: I predict that the election will be close enough to be contested, but that Biden-Harris wins. Trump will not concede, another insurrection type event will transpire. The role of the Supreme Court will be crucial. Circumstances will likely propel Harris further into the seat of duty in 2025.

Thank you for indulging my process if you have read this far (or even just jumped to the end). Even if not all of my predictions turn out to be true, this process has been both grueling and gratifying. I have learned a lot and expect this learning to develop further with each passing month. I guess we will have to wait and see how it all turns out!

Big Blessings,


Works Cited

Arbesman, S. (2011). Samuel Arbesman (2011): The Life-Spans of Empires, Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 127-129.

Brennan, Chris. (2019, February 11). Zodiacal Releasing: An Ancient Timing Technique. Retrieved from YouTube:

CNN. (2016, December 11). Biden regrets 1999 vote to repeal Glass-Steagall. Retrieved from CNN - YouTube:

Olomi, Dr. Ali A. (2022, July 24). Lecture: Mars in Medieval Astrology. Patreon.

Urban, C. (2021, July 20). Retrieved from The Shadow in the Mirror: The Pluto Return of the United States:

Watson, Patrick. (2020, November 3). Joe Biden’s Zodiacal Releasing and the 2020 US Presidential Election. Retrieved from Patrick Watson Astrology:

Woods, Helena (2024) Astrology Predictions of Donald Trump and the 2024 Election // Uranus Return of the USA. YouTube: