The Astrology of Kamala Harris in the 2024 Presidential Election


The road to the 2024 Presidential Election has already proven itself a Uranian live wire of unexpected twists. Trump narrowly survived a bullet to the head, while President Biden’s debate stumble cemented doubts around his cognitive acuity, and whether he could withstand the demands of a second term. While such shocking developments may dizzy onlookers, these events have also confirmed the eye of astrologers who have long awaited the vicious culmination of Mars and Uranus on Trump’s Algol-aligned midheaven (cue the widely circulated images of a bloodied head). Congruently, astrologers have long-suspected topics of illness for President Biden. In the past couple years, Biden’s Moon has endured transits from Saturn, eclipses and now Pluto. Not only does the Moon represent the physical body, our temporary vehicle for our human experience, but Biden’s Moon resides in his 6th house of ailments. His exalted Taurus Moon in his 6th house tends to ward off illness and promises strength in health matters. However, as mentioned in my previous article, Pluto now threatens to alter that which has endured.

The aim of this article is to update my previous forecast within the context of the shifting landscape: the rise of Kamala Harris. I still stand behind the bulk of my original prediction – some of which has already come true (see my July and August monthly predictions for Biden which suggested that he could “endorse Harris in a strange reversal of events.”) Indeed, neither Trump nor Biden’s individual forecasts could convince me of the winner of the race. It was Kamala Harris’ forecast which allowed me to make my final judgement call, as her chart seemed more emblematic of a winner. I must also admit that I’ve long suspected she would replace Biden and become President (see my clip from early 2022 here) due to several factors in her chart which I will dissect below. Harris’ rise has appeared imminent to me since I first dove into her chart in 2020. The resurging of energy behind the democratic ticket offers more shape to the Mars retrograde “sore loser” signature I previously forecasted. Seeds for another “stolen election” are already being planted.

The purpose of this article is to explore Kamala Harris’ forecast leading up to the election. My previous article offers an in-depth exploration of Trump, Biden and the astrological influences in depth. For a deep dive into JD Vance, please see this video collaboration with my esteemed colleague, Mo Olufemi. You can also watch our first Presidential forecast video we did which also predicted Biden’s departure.

Kamala Harris

secondary progressions:

  • Harris’ progressed new moon occurred at 11°55’ Sagittarius in September 2008, initiating a 30-year cycle. This “new moon” happens to be a solar eclipse, which squares her natal Venus-Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo. This signature spells glass-ceiling-shattering. Eclipses describe fated events and often highlight how each of our fates are knit to one another. In other words, eclipses indicate a broader collective impact. At her progressed new moon, she makes the decision to run for attorney general of California, which she eventually secures at her progressed crescent phase in 2011 – becoming the first female, Black, and South Asian American to hold this office.

  • At her 2016 progressed first-quarter Moon, she runs for senate, replacing the seat of incumbent Barbara Boxer who decided not to run again. She becomes the first South Asian American to serve in the senate.

  • At her progressed gibbous phase in 2020, Harris runs for President. While she doesn’t secure the nomination, she becomes the first female, the first Black and the first Asian Vice President of the United States.

  • Harris officially entered her progressed full moon phase in 2023 and remains there now. This is a time where we would expect to see a career peak for her. The progressed Full Moon occurs on her ascendant and nodal axis, which means that this is yet another eclipse – indicating that what she achieves here will have a ripple effect of importance in the collective. Following the pattern, it would seem highly likely that she could become the United States’ first female President of the United States.

  • Her progressed Sun reaches her descendant in 2023, rising above the lower hemisphere of the chart, implying increased visibility

  • Progressed Mercury cazimi has just occurred in 2023 at 26°59’ near her lots of Fortune and Spirit and in a tight trine with her sect light. As Mercury rules her ascendant, this would be a very big deal, involving twists of fate connected to her calling. All of these points occur in her 7H of partnership. I imagine she has knowns that she would eventually replace Biden. Indications in his chart have revealed that his health has been a concern for some time now.

  • Her progressed midheaven shifted signs into Taurus when she was elected VP. Taurus is a sign of stability and consistency, suggesting continuity.

  • Her progressed Saturn has changed signs into her 10th house implying that her new role arrives through difficult circumstances.

  • On top of it all, her progressed Uranus and Pluto are stationing, implying a significant period of power, revolution and course-altering changes. Biden’s progressed Uranus is also stationing now.

Zodiacal Releasing

Shout out to my colleague, astrologer Leisa Schaim for noticing the significance of Kamala Harris’ zodiacal releasing chapters back in 2018 and predicting her increasing eminence. Leisa is a zodiacal releasing expert. Listen to what Leisa has to say here.

  • Kamala announces her running mate, Tim Walz on August 6th, 2024. At this time, she is peaking on all four levels. The DNC will also take place during peak periods across the board. This is an excellent indication of success for her.

  • Kamala’s is in a peak period from Spirit on Level 1, 2 and 4 on Election Day; her peak periods only contain her benefic of sect, which means that these periods are overtly positive for her. On level 3, she is in a cardinal cool-down, which contains her luminaries. All of this looks very auspicious for her and supports a fortuitous moment in her career such as winning the presidency.

  • In April 2025, the same month in which Trump enters his Level 1 peak (see previous article), Kamala experiences a loosing of the bond on level 3, which is very interesting. We need to keep our eyes on April.

Kamala Harris’ 2023 solar return

In the interest of space, I did not consider Kamala Harris’ current solar return in my original write-up, only a brief overview of her 2024 SR, which encompasses the election and Inauguration. Now that the terrain has shifted, I’d like to review her 2023 solar return so that I may offer predictions for her August and September months leading up to her next solar return.

  • Taurus-ruled, 12th house year: emphasizes hidden enemies, behind the scenes endeavors and private battles. This is also the derived 6th house of the partner. This suggests that Harris has been aware of Biden’s health issues for some time.

  • Venus as ruler of the year: Venus rules women; indeed, Harris has been passionately advocated for the restoration of Roe v Wade this year. Venus is natally configured to Uranus and Pluto. Believe her when she says she will codify Roe. However, this also highlights unexpected twists and power themes.

  • Venus is 5 signs from Taurus, natally: further emphasizing topics of pregnancy and abortion.

  • Natal Venus fallen in Virgo, holding triplicity: support despite struggle; can indicate disappointments and even disappointment of some kind. Venus is bonified by Jupiter, which also helps.

  • Solar Return (SR) Venus’ condition improves: remaining in Virgo, Venus shifts to a place of utmost strength in the 1st house, retaining support from Jupiter, yet no Pluto or Uranus to deal with. Venus also aspects the lot of spirit which feels important for topics related to destiny. The 1st house emphasis is important for matters of visibility, how one presents oneself to the world.

  • Sign of the year moves to the SR 9th house, suggesting that she could face litigation from her enemies.

  • Virgo rises in the SR, indicating that topics of home and property become important for her this year. Meanwhile, with her natal ascendant in the SR 10H, she is very much focused on career matters.

  • Neptune is angular, assisting her with topics of fame and public reception.

  • SR Fortune is in Gemini, corresponding with her 1H, this suggests that the year carries a very personal twist of fate. Indeed, it has.

  • SR Spirit is in Sagittarius, her 7th house, suggesting that something she pursues this year is related to partnership. This could speak to her tenured relationship with Biden, as well as the importance of her VP pick.

  • SR Lot of Burden corresponds with her 12th house and occupies the 12th part of Capricorn. Problems arise from hidden enemies in regard to campaign donations. This shows up prominently during her September 19 – Oct 20 period.

  • Temperament: natally, Harris has an ambitious choleric temperament. In this year, her temperament leans toward sanguine, making her more engaging, social and likeable.

  • SR Moon in Capricorn: she has experienced a great deal of discomfort this year. Many have speculated that she’s had a difficult time in Biden’s shadow. Perhaps, but that is certainly changing now. The Moon is in the fortunate 5th house and applies to Uranus and Neptune, then the Sun and Mercury. Major twists and upheaval, followed by a crowing moment at the DNC and continued campaigning. 

Monthly Profections + Monthly Return Charts:

In this section, I will blend Harris’ monthly profections, monthly revolution charts and transits to breakdown the themes in the solar return and narrow in on the themes, events and experiences within the months ahead. This is a very complicated synthesis of techniques which I’m still learning in detail. For brevity’s sake, I will not be able to elaborate on my methods, but I can recommend Dr. Ali Olomi’s Patreon for learning how. You can also check out my latest webinar on Monthly Profections, which covers half of the techniques used here.

July 19 – August 20:

Only two days into this period, Biden endorses Kamala Harris for president. This is shown by fortune’s alignment with the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus (her natal 12H, the health of the partner), indicating shocking shifts and departures. This is in her favor, under Venus’ rule. Transiting Saturn opposes her time lord from the natal 10th house, necessitating a dutiful rise due to such health matters. At the same time, Venus transits her 3H of speeches.  The ascendant is Sagittarius giving an optimistic feeling to the month while also spotlighting partnership. She must now vet possible running mates. Halfway through the period, Harris selects Tim Walz as her VP running mate. Jupiter is angular, also indicating opportunities and rare blessings this month. This is a peak month for Harris and a Saturn ruled 9th house month. Might we see more legal challenges to her nomination or campaign? Saturn opposes Venus, which can indicate financial challenges.  

August 20 – September 19

The DNC is in full swing as this period begins. Harris enters a Pisces-ruled 10th house month emphasizing themes of career, life direction and visibility. Benefic Jupiter rules the month, yet, Saturn’s transit through her Pisces 10th house is emphasized now. This transit alone has much to say regarding professional burdens and elevating under difficult circumstances. Jupiter and Mars rise in her MR chart; this indicates a pep rally. And yet, this also highlights the significance of this mutable t-square which occurs right over her TL, Venus. Whatever craziness arises around this time will be personal to Harris – whether it’s the economy, tensions in the Middle East, or attempts to challenge her legitimacy as the nominee, this month is sure to offer a dizzying array of celebration and stress. August is a month of destiny and highlights her lot of victory (referencing 7H and 11H topics) indicating that she will gather tremendous energy and support from her political allies. The Sun and Mercury are angular, and the 10th house Moon is far enough away from the t-square. Despite any curveballs, this is Harris’ crowning moment. Though she will have some issues to address later in the period – likely issues concerning courts or foreign affairs. The 2nd Presidential debate is scheduled to occur on 9/10, which seems favorable for Harris. We will also see the first Pisces eclipse occur in Harris’ 10th house on 9/18. This can be catalytic and eventful for career-related topics.

September 19 – October 20

Harris lands in her Aries-ruled 11th house month, amplifying themes of colleagues and supporters. Her Moon resides here, driving home themes of public reception. Cancer rises, offering a protectiveness or clinging aura to the month. Cancer corresponds with her 2H, doubling down on financial themes (transiting Saturn continues to oppose her TL Venus). The lot of fortune, under Mars’ rule, indicates a thematic fight or challenge this month. Mars and Saturn’s angularity seems problematic – along with the 10th house Moon’s square to Pluto. Harris may struggle to address a global or economic issue, or a smear campaign may challenge her edge this month. This is also her “month of burden,” which again connects to 9H topics of courts and foreign affairs – as well as the 12th house of hidden enemies and the health of her political partner. Yet, the Moon soon shifts into the sign of her exaltation, Taurus, while her TL Venus aligns with her natal Sun. This indicates that the month is off to a rough start but seems to end more favorably. Indications around the importance of reproductive issues are also shown here, along with a foreshadowing of Mars incoming retrograde in her 2H of finances.

Kamala Harris’ 2024 Solar Return

  • Gemini-ruled 1st house year: themes of identity, visibility, interface and persona. Her natal ascendant is amplified, placing her wit, humor, versatility and intelligence on display. Jupiter and the Moon occupy Gemini in her SR – this is considered to be both fortunate and a year of change.

  • Mercury as time lord (TL): Natal Mercury resides in her natal 6th house of public service in secretive, shrewd, pointed Scorpio. This placement describes her abilities as a prosecutor. The 6H may also indicate themes of healthcare or military in the year ahead. Mercury trines the MC, showing the importance of career topics.

  • Sign of the year, Gemini, moves to the SR 7th house: emphasizes partnerships. This was an indication to me that her connection with Biden would be important in the coming year. Indeed, the rising degree of her SR matches Biden’s natal ascendant. As his successor, there may be some important role he plays for her in the year ahead. However, now it opens the door of importance to her relationship with her VP, her spouse and any opponents.  

  • SR Mercury moves to the 12H: we do not see much of a qualitative improvement. Mercury remains in Scorpio, moving from the 6H to the 12H (neither are strong houses) and neither Mercury is bonified. In the SR, Mercury trines Saturn in Pisces and sextiles the MC, which supports the possibility of a weighty career move. Mercury’s presence in the 12H may also indicate that her life no longer feels like her own. The 12H represents hidden enemies, hidden plots and top-secret dealings.

  • Venus conjoins SR ascendant: This shows immense favorability in general, but also offers magnetism and support in the year ahead. Venus also brings importance of reproductive freedom (ruler of her natal 5th house), and hidden enemies (ruler of her 12H) to the year. Important to note: Venus also conjoins her angle on election day.

  • TL Mercury also rules her 4th house: Indications of a move or the importance of property or housing.

  • Saturn conjoins the SR IC: Saturn’s transit through her 10H is again emphasized. Harris faces the most challenging yet most revered position of her life. Saturn indicates the massive pressure she will face in the year ahead. This also brings in the importance of courts, donors, and the complicated role of wealth in this country.

  • Temperament: Natally choleric and ambitious, this year Harris leans toward phlegmatic. We may see her focus on a handful of issues, and we may see more displays of empathy. Similarly, we may also see her retreat for periods to focus on adjusting to her role.

  • SR Lot of Fortune in Cancer conjunct Mars: similar to what we saw in her September monthly chart, this is another indication of the significance of Mars’ retrograde in her 2H of money and assets. I’ve seen this repeatedly and it signals a potential challenge to her campaign on the basis of PAC funding. It could also be economic in nature, as Jupiter in Gemini historically indicates recessions. However, fortune occupies the 12th part of courts, which makes me lean toward the former.

  • SR Lot of Victory in Aquarius: Despite any legal threats, this placement indicates that she will be victorious in defending her rightful place. Her friends, colleagues and supporters will support her. This could also indicate that any challenges to her presidential win would be squashed.

  • SR Lot of Spirit in Aries: another indication that Harris continues to garner support from her colleagues, congress and from the public.

  • SR Moon in Gemini: The Moon is very strong in the 7th house, showing that she cares very much about relationships this year and feels supported by those in her inner circle. The Moon squares Saturn immediately, indicating early hardship. However, the Moon applies to Jupiter by conjunction indicating that all ends favorably.

Monthly Profections + Monthly Returns

Here again, I will blend Harris’ monthly profections, monthly revolution charts and transits to breakdown the themes in the solar return and narrow in on the themes, events and experiences within the months ahead. This is a very complicated synthesis of techniques which I’m still learning in detail. For brevity’s sake, I will not be able to elaborate on my methods, but I can recommend Dr. Ali Olomi’s Patreon for learning how. You can also check out my latest webinar on Monthly Profections, which covers half of the techniques used here.

October 20 – November 19

Abu Ma’shar cautions using the SR chart to forecast the first month of the year. However, this month encases Election Day and it’s worthy of close  consideration. This is a first house month ruled by Mercury. Jupiter’s presence here is absolutely helpful. Continuous profections indicate that this is a peak month centered around career topics. Fortune is ruled by a luminary, promoting events related to her prominence and visibility. Yet, Mars conjoins the lot in the 12th part of Aquarius, indicating that she will face challenges to her win in the courts. This clarifies my previous prediction that Trump will likely challenge the outcome of the election again. Moon squares Saturn (rain on the parade) then conjoins Jupiter (celebration). Sagittarius rises, giving a celebratory, inspirational energy to the month. Venus is also here to help. Yet, by transit, Mars opposes Pluto, forming a cardinal grand cross with her natal Sun and Moon, in the days leading up to the election. This feels dangerous, cantankerous and vile.   As I mentioned in my original Mars retrograde prediction, those who are threatened by losing will stop at nothing to try to prevent her from winning.  

November 19 – December 18

·       Harris enters a 2H profection month ruled by her Aries Moon in the fortunate 11th house. We again see repeated importance of the 11H of colleagues and supporters through her continuous profections. The lunations are of particular importance during this period. We first see a new moon on 12/1/24 at 9°32’ Sagittarius ruled by and configured to the Jupiter-Saturn square, perhaps rehashing August’s drama. We then see a Gemini full moon on 12/15/24 conjunct Harris’s ascendant in a square with Neptune. The first lunation appears to bring difficulty; the second appears more favorable for her. The Moon in the monthly return chart reflects concern with financial matters in the 8th house, yet, it applies by trine to the Sun, and applies to the lot of fortune, which is favorable. Mercury, Harris’ new time lord stations retrograde in her 7th house, suggesting a thematic issue with an opponent. Opposite Jupiter, it involves tall tales and elaborate weaving. Mars also stations retrograde during this period in a square with her natal Mercury (TL), igniting an important drama in her 3H of media strategy and 2H of finances. Harkening back to my original Mars retrograde prediction in the previous article, it again looks likely that Trump would challenge her victory. Indeed, the degree of the ascendant again highlights events connected to hidden enemies. Fortune is ruled by a luminary and Sagittarius rises, suggesting celebration, energy and visibility. Neptune on the IC creates a mirage which can enchant or dizzy. This is a highly eventful, chaotic, yet ultimately favorable period for her.

December 18 – January 17

·       Harris enters her 3H profection month, ruled by the Sun, an indicator of leadership and visibility. Compiling this theme, regal Leo rises in the monthly return chart, providing an aura of leadership, strength and determination to the month. The degree of the ascendant suggests events related to the 12th house of hidden enemies and secret plots; her continuous profections suggest the same. At this time, Mars retrograde squares her Sun and Moon for a second time, reiterating themes of threats and battles – as well as finances. This theme is also supported by the degree of the ascendant. The Sun (as monthly ruler) makes favorable aspects here, though its journey through Harris’ 8H will be notable. Uranus conjoins the MC bringing shock and surprises to career and eminence. Fortune is ruled by Saturn, which could suggest a delay in confirming her win. Indeed, the Moon separates from Venus and Jupiter indicating a recent victory – and moves to square Uranus (a big curveball) followed by a trine to the Sun (a shining moment of leadership). She will be challenged, but I don’t believe her challengers will be successful.

January 17 – February 17

Kamala’s 4H profection month emphasizes themes of home and property and it corresponds with Biden’s projected moveout date and her presumed move-in date. The Inauguration occurs within this period on January 20th, 2025. Financial themes persist this month (as seen by the Moon in the 8H, the degree of the ascendant, and her continuous profections). The Aquarius ascendant offers an innovative and problem-solving aura to the month. The Moon continues to land in her monthly profection sign, reflecting public support. Fortune is in Virgo, suggesting events related to speeches, communication and documents. The Moon also applies to fortune, which is considered favorable. The Moon separates from Jupiter (good news) and heads into a trine with Mercury (an important speech), then a mixed opposition with Venus-Saturn, and finally a trine with the Sun (leadership and prominence). The Venus-Saturn aspect in her 10th house will be part of a bigger story which plays out over the course of Venus’ upcoming retrograde, however, for the moment, Venus offers a dose of sweetness to the difficulty of Saturn’s sojourn through her 10th house. All of this looks very supportive for an inauguration speech and a move into the White House.  

Additional Transits

Some of these transits have already been mentioned, but let’s recap them here.

Pluto returns to Capricorn for the final time from 9/1/24 – 11/19/24, what many see as the conclusion of the US Pluto return. Harris’ luminaries form an exact square with the Sibley chart Pluto at 27° Capricorn, suggesting that she may play a key role in this final scene. As Trump has gone to great lengths to challenge the legitimacy of the democratic process before, Harris could be placed in a situation which hinges her in the middle of another Plutonian attempt to destroy the very system she stands to inherit. Pluto invites one to claim their power in the face of tremendous obstacle.

Furthermore, Mars opposes Pluto three times due to Mars retrograde – exact on November 4th, January 3rd and April 27th, 2025. The latter two oppositions will square Harris’ time lord Mercury, which rules her 4th house of home and property, likely bringing threats to her claim to the White House. She may be required to play offense and defense.

Mars stations retrograde on 12/6/24 and remains retrograde on Inauguration Day; what could this mean? Look no further than the 2020 election when Mars was retrograde in Aries on Election Day, corresponding with allegations of election fraud. Mars retrogrades can turn up the volume of feuds and battles on the world stage, though it can also be a time for sheathing the weapon. Mars retrogrades ask, “What are we fighting for? What is the game plan now?” Mars- Pluto configurations are known for its volatility, eruption, violence, corruption, collusion, acts of intimidation and extreme assertions of power. We can certainly expect mischief, tampering and attempts to subvert the democratic voting process.

We have also seen Mercury retrogrades delay official election results in 2020 and in 2000. Mercury retrogrades in her 7th house of opponents weeks following the election. Since Mercury is her time lord, this would be especially impactful.

The eclipses in Aries-Libra have indicated the fall of some leaders and the rise of fresh leadership. Combined with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, we are in an era where the world is shaped and led by “the outsider.” As Harris’ luminaries are each in Aries and Libra, this can explain the timing of her nomination. Beginning in September, the eclipses shift into the Virgo-Pisces axis, which corresponds with her 4th and 10th houses. This signifies a period of importance as life suddenly alters course. September’s eclipse at 25° Pisces occurs in her 10H of career (an indication of rapid advancement under unexpected or stressful circumstances) and squares her ascendant – an indication of elevation.

Saturn continues to transit her 10th house indicating increased responsibility in her profession. This can absolutely suggest a circumstance in which a heavy-duty task is handed to you with the expectation that you fulfill it. It can also indicate adversity and tests of endurance on the job. In the spring, Venus retrogrades in her 10th house indicating a period of reassessing and reordering her priorities following the election. Venus encounters Saturn in April, hopefully lending some sweetness to the array of professional hurdles. The timing of this conjunction feels important; according to her monthly profections, early April is highly momentous for Harris.  Also, remember that ZR indicated that April would be an important month to watch for Harris, Trump and even Biden.

On election night, Jupiter nears Kamala Harris’ ascendant; though the transit isn’t exact, it’s still very supportive since Gemini is Harris’ sign of the year. This is an important distinction to make since Trump also experiences Jupiter nearing his Sun on election night, but he is in a year ruled by Saturn, so it doesn’t offer the same level of impact. Venus reaches her descendant, lot of fortune and lot of spirit on election night, which is highly favorable. Uranus nears her natal Jupiter, the ruler of her 10th house, reigniting themes of progress and unexpected surprises. Uranus’ presence here is what unexpectedly elevated her to the Democratic ticket in the first place. Will this be an icing on the cake transit, or will we see new surprises? I’m guessing both.

Looking ahead: Certainly, multiple astrological factors are pointing to a contested election. While the ultimate decision may be held in limbo and we may see Mars-Pluto flavored retaliation, I do believe Kamala Harris’ forecast is ultimately more descriptive of a win than Donald Trump’s. While things seem to be settled in time for Inauguration Day, April will absolutely be a month to watch for additional events.

The USA Uranus return begins on 7/8/25 when Uranus first enters Gemini. This transit has historically coincided with the US’s involvement in war – both civil and global. It’s interesting to note that Uranus’ Gemini ingress occurs while Harris is in her Gemini-ruled year, making this return personal to her. Will the contentious political division veer in a dangerous new direction following Mars retrograde? Or should we be more worried about rising tensions abroad? The coming months will reveal all.

Thank you for indulging my process if you have read this far (or even just jumped to the end). Even if not all of my predictions turn out to be true, this process has been both grueling and gratifying. I have learned a lot and expect this learning to develop further with each passing month. I guess we will have to wait and see how it all turns out!

Big Blessings,


Works Cited

Olomi, D. A. (2022, July 24). Head on History. Retrieved from

Olufemi, M., & Urban, C. (2024, August 2). The Astrology of the 2024 US Presidential Election Part II: JD Vance + Biden endorses Harris. Retrieved from YouTube:

Olufemi, M., & Urban, C. (2024, July 2). The Astrology of the 2024 US Presidential Election: a deep dive with Mo Olufemi and Catherine Urban. Retrieved from YouTube:

Schaim, L. (2024, July 22). The Astrology Podcast. Retrieved from

Urban, C. (2024, Aug 1). The Power of Progressions Course. Retrieved from Kamala Harris' Progressed Moon:

Urban, C. (2024). Webinar: Monthly Profections. Retrieved from

Urban, C. (2024, June 5). Who Will Win the Presidential Election in 2024 According to Astrology. Retrieved from



Catherine UrbanComment