Luminus Astrology Forecast: May 2018
Beltane, the last of the spring fertility rituals, was celebrated on May 1st, and the trees in Cleveland bloomed in synchronicity. Spring has officially sprung! And it's as beautiful as it should be. We are in Taurus season, and Taurus is a feminine Earth sign, ruled by Venus - goddess of beauty. Taurus is also a fixed sign, representing the peak of the Spring season.
*May's main event is the ingress of URANUS INTO TAURUS.
*Followed by a NEW MOON IN TAURUS
The first couple of weeks are tinted by the Scorpio Full Moon, which culminated on April 30th. Scorpio runs the gamut of intensity, from the deepest darkest corners of our psyche to the soaring Eagle of our spirit. And as Jupiter traverses Scorpio through the remainder of the year, we are reminded that it's a journey from caterpillar to butterfly. Much has come to light, and over the next couple of weeks, we continue to glean and apply new awareness bestowed by this powerful lunation.
The first week of May is fairly quiet. (sigh of relief here) We could all use it. Reflect, integrate and admire the beautiful bounty around us. The
Moon is in Sagittarius May 1-3, which is excellent for exploration, seeking, spirituality and optimism. The Moon travels through Capricorn
May 4th through the morning of the 6th - excellent for discipline, grounding, building, and committing to one's work. The Moon enters Aquarius on the morning of the 6th, where she will stay through the late evening of the 8th. Excellent for inventiveness, innovation, experimentation and socialization.
May 6th: Sun sextile Neptune
elevates intuition, empathy, artistry
give yourself space to honor your feelings and choose activities accordingly
May 7th: Mercury square Pluto (again)// Venus square Neptune
Thoughts clarify; the true message of intense feelings reveal
Claim your power with compassion; be weary of manipulation
Romantic vision of the world
Creative, poetic outlets lead to empowered personal mantras
May 8th: Vesta stations retrograde in Capricorn:
Goddess of the sacred flame, hearth and ritual
Do practices that nourish your spirit. If you have drifted away from rituals that you already know serve you, it's time to reignite your practice.
Steady yourself from within to gain clarity in your direction. Recalibrate your path.
Also wonderful for rituals in the home: reorganization, beautifying, cleaning
Night of May 8th- 10th, the Moon is in Pisces - excellent for dream work, artistry, tuning into one's emotions and connection with universe.
Moon in Aries May 11th through the morning of the 13th: excellent for speaking your truth, action, adventure and spontaneity. The Moon wraps up her cycle, slowing down as she enters Taurus on May 13th. Before the New Moon arrives, it's a good idea not to jam pack our schedules, as this period is best for rest and reflection.
May 11th: Sun trine Pluto
Opportunity to integrate new wisdom into the expression of the ego or soul purpose
Personal power
May 12th: Mercury square Mars
impatience, quick temper, tendency to speak before you think
active mind, desire to DO
May 13th: Mercury conjunct Uranus
This is the final aspect to Uranus in Aries before changing signs into Taurus
Astrologer Austin Coppock said it best on Chris Brennan's The Astrology Podcast, so I will quote him here:
"Mercury handing the microphone to Uranus just before the ingress... 'well you know I've really enjoyed my time here in Aries; I've destabilized a lot of governments, people in general distrust authority far more than they did [before]; you know, I'm really proud of my work here. I hope you realize that you are a sovereign and divine being here and you have the power to make whatever choices you like...' etc, etc,"
MAY 15th, 2018
~one eventful day~
* New Moon: 24⁰36 Taurus, 7:47 am EDT
*Uranus enters Taurus: 11:16 am EDT
*Mars enters Aquarius: 12:55 am EDT -5/16-
That the Uranus ingress occurs on the same day as the New Moon alludes to the vast array of newness that may transcend. We probably have no idea what technological innovation is going to do for us as a whole over the next 8 years. But here are some possible themes:
Farming and ecological innovation
Hydroponic and vertical gardening
The burgeoning of the HEMP INDUSTRY! Hemp is easy to grow and can be used to make textile, building materials and plastics...all more environmentally sustainable than what we currently use
Changes in currency (the American $20 bill will soon feature Harriet Tubman)
Changes in money, values and attitudes toward materialism as a whole
Technological innovation geared toward environmentalism and sustainability.
Key-phrase for Taurus, "I HAVE" - Uranus can sometimes be ultra conservative, but also tends to like goes to extremes and flips things around. More shared items like the rent-a-bikes growing popular in big cities?
^^ Uranus in Taurus and collective themes^^
^^^Uranus in Taurus through the signs, attuned to the individual experience.
WATCH FOR WHERE YOU GET WAKE-UP CALLS THIS MONTH! Uranus acts rapidly, so you might get them before the Ingress. Today, I walked outside, and at that very moment, a tree 10 ft away from me snapped in half and toppled over. Uranus in Taurus right there. As if to say, "pay attention!"
Also happening today (depending on your time zone)...MARS changes signs!
Mars moves from ambitious Capricorn to experimental Aquarius. This is most interesting for two reasons:
Mars will be in Aquarius through the end of summer due to his rare, biennial retrograde.
Uranus and Mars remain in square formation while they each change signs, within hours of one another.
Let's break this down.
Mars square Uranus is a fiercely independent energy, ready to blow anything up that gets in the way of its truth, mission or destiny. It's the "rage against the machine," anarchist and rebel. While this aspect usually lasts for a week or two, we will have the opportunity to work with this energy all summer long, thus helping us to courageously make radical shifts in our life. Where are you feeling trapped or stuck? Mars and Uranus are here to help you smash some walls down (and so am I, if you are wondering how to make the most of this transit).
During Mars'retrograde this summer, he will also align with the south node - an energetic vortex which helps us to flush and release. This summer, many of us will be making major breakthroughs which help us to align more authentically with our true heart path.
Moving into the second half of the month,
Where is that Moon?
The Moon changes signs every 2.5 days
The Moon is in Cancer May 17th-19th, perfect for matters related to home and family, allowing feelings to lead and excellent for cooking! The Moon moves into Leo in the evening of the 19th, staying until the evening of the 21st; excellent for creativity, playfulness, passion and allowing the heart to lead. The Moon resides in Virgo from the evening of the 21st until the 23rd, which is great for productivity, tidying, and tending to the smaller details in life. The Moon moves into Libra early on May 24th, where she stays until the morning of the 26th; great for tending to partnership matters, socializing and sharing ideas. The Moon strolls into Scorpio early on May 26th until late on the 28th, intensifying emotions and offering determination and personal power. The Moon culminates in Sagittarius and then spends the last day of the Month in Capricorn which is great for building toward our ambitions and goals.
May 18th: Mercury trine Saturn
study, productivity,
clear communication
focused flow of ideas
reinforcing, gentle words
constructive praise or criticism
May 19th: Venus>>Cancer and sextiles Uranus
spontaneous social gathering
surprise tokens of affection
an old memory sparks and enthuses
break the routine
May 20th: Sun enters Gemini
This is the time of year when we all buzz around town on foot, on bikes and on hikes!
Bees buzz from flower to flower, pollenating
Our minds are fertile with ideas buzzing in our heads
Socializing, parties and events
Friendly, flirtatious and eager to learn because it just feels good to be alive right now!
May 22nd: Mercury sextile Neptune
Prayer, meditation, journaling,
Creative writing, artistry, poetry
May 23rd: Sun trine Mars
High energy, drive, motivation
Health, vitality, athleticism
Expression, enthusiasm, high vibes!
Get moving!
May 25th: Jupiter trine Neptune
Exact today, but gets wrapped into the Full Moon next week.
Magic, transcendence, artistry, fantasy
The magic and mystery of the unknown realms
Spirituality, wonder, enigma
Divine placement, connection and belonging to something greater
Artistry, music, escape from reality
getting high on your own pranayama
May 26th: Venus opposite Saturn
Limits on pleasure; discipline,
Work first then dessert
Discomfort for the greater good
Putting the work in now to enjoy later
Maybe you've been working too hard and you need to balance with enjoyment!
"No." you can't get what you want.
May 29th: Mercury moves into Gemini;
Mercury is at home in Gemini,
Eagerness to learn, try new things, exchange ideas,
Read, communicate, understand others' POV
See the neighborhood, and catch up with people you haven't seen during the cold months.
FULL MOON>>> in Sagittarius >>> 5/29/18; 10: 19 am EDT:
Adventure, openness, freedom
Soul's higher calling
Truth seeking
Create space in our bodies, hearts and schedule!
Overall, a generally positive upbeat Full Moon
Although, the Moon conjoins fixed star Antares, which is associated with war.... at a minimum, this symbol shows up for Memorial Day, honoring those who have served in war. But perhaps some of us will deal with some sort of battle or courageously draw a line to say, "No, my freedom is more important. The shadow side of Sag is judgement and zealousness, so beliefs are prone to clash!
Aho Mitakyue Oyasin. May Mother Earth and all her inhabitants be awakened to our unity, and the highest LOVE of the Universe.
Love, peace and unity to ALL....
-Catherine Urban