Thistles & Thorns - The Libra New Moon + The Week of 10/1 - 10/10
Galactic Greetings!
With Mercury retrograde in my 4th house of home and family, lots of changes have been going on in the Urban household. My beloved downstairs office finally succumbed to playroom status. While I was initially resistant to move my desk upstairs, I have to say, I love my new office – which shares space with a guest bed and my husband’s music equipment from our days of playing in punk bands together. I’m putting my Libra touch on the space with plants and prints from artists I often feature on my page, and it’s coming together in such a pleasing way. I think sometimes we forget how much creative agency we have, and it’s so much fun to curate!
Following our transits not only helps us to understand what time it is in our lives, but it also cues us into what to pay special attention to, and where significant personal developments are underway. We are all evolving and growing, but with how busy our lives get, sometimes it’s easy to ignore those smaller cosmic cues.
This past weekend, my daughter and I spent the weekend with my in-laws so that my husband and our best friend could demo our kitchen (it’s looking awesome so far, btw). By the end of the weekend, I was overcome with emotion. This side of my family continues to teach me what it means to show up for family. They are always helping each other, watching each other’s kids, making way too much delicious food to share, and as my sister-in-law said, holding each other up. It made me realize that having stronger roots in the 4th house helps us to reach with fortitude and strength into the 10th house – toward what we become. And showing up doesn’t have to be excessive. The way they love each other is simple: they cook, they connect, and they are present. It was such a powerful realization for me, and I may not have leaned into this alchemy had I not recalled that Mercury was stationing retrograde in my 4th house at that very moment.
This week, a retrograde Mercury is already repeating aspects to Jupiter and Pluto – and we’ve got a New Moon! Let’s get into it.
Astrology Watch
Mercury square Pluto (#2), 10/1
Venus sextile Pluto, 10/2
Mercury trine Jupiter (#2), 10/3
Libra New Moon, 10/6
Venus enters Sagittarius, 10/7
Pluto stations Direct, 10/7
Mars Cazimi, 10/8
Mercury Cazimi, 10/9
Saturn stations Direct, 10/10
Mercury squares Pluto + trines Jupiter for the second time 10/1 -10/3
Rembering that we still have unfinished business somewhere, psychopomp Mercury tiptoes back to the underworld maintaining that square to Pluto, which was also exact on 9/22. Mercury’s square to Pluto calls us to the archeological digging site, to the forensic research lab or to an occult library located in the subbasement of a castle. Watch where we have an obsessive pull to find out or to come clean. Mercury’s researching square to Pluto is incredibly resourceful and determined. This time around, we are excavating even deeper into the fray. What is being revealed to you in the Libra sector of your chart?
Aries: relationships, partnerships, communication, disagreements, contracts
Taurus: physical body, health, routine, daily rituals which make a life
Gemini: children, creativity, passion, sex, playfulness, joy, mirth
Cancer: home, family, inner foundation, property, land, ancestry, heritage
Leo: communication, local community, thoughts, devotional rituals, vehicles, media, siblings
Virgo: finances, sources of income, moveable possessions, self-worth
Libra: mental, spiritual, emotional and physical well-being, physical appearance, outlook on life
Scorpio: subconscious, dreams, reclusion, rest, healing, shadow
Sagittarius: friendships, connection to the community, network
Capricorn: career, social standing, reputation, populatrity, recognition, accolades, honors
Aquarius: beliefs, morals, education, commitment to study, understanding, travel
Pisces: topics which are difficult to discuss, intimacy, trauma, investments, debt, trust
Mercury also repeats a trine to benefic Jupiter on 10/3, recalling inspirational developments from 9/20. This Mercury retrograde in Libra is all about growth, discovery and healing. We are searching for remedies which offer peace of mind. Facing the richness of our shadow can be painful at first, but Jupiter is here to elevate us afterward, mirroring the natural anesthetic of tears or the boost we get from conquering our fear.
Venus sextile Pluto, 10/2
Persephone in turn, offers the pomegranate wine to Hades’ lips.
Venus in Scorpio’s sextile to Pluto can represent a subtle gesture of loyal reciprocation. “I’m always here for you too.” This aspect is supportive for tending the slow burn of an intimate fire, forging a deeper connection or collaborating on a business strategy of some kind. While many of the Greek deities were fornicating all over Mount Olympus and beyond, Hades remained loyal to Persephone. This celestial combo will gently remind us of where our loyalties are.
Elani Debo
Libra New Moon, 10/6
Pruning the withered blossoms of the rosebush is essential for the plant to concentrate its energy and continue to unleash wild beauty upon the earth.
The Libra New Moon is unfortunately not as sweet as one would hope. Infused with the piercing thorns of Mars, the Libra New Moon reminds us that endings are often inherent in new beginnings. We must chop down the garden each fall so that next year’s may be fruitful. Mars represents something we need to let go of. Maybe it’s hesitancy, indecisiveness, people-pleasing, or maybe we need to confront the thorn in our side to achieve the level of Libran harmony we crave. Libra is so accustomed to operating on the surface. If we both act like it’s fine, then it will eventually smooth over, right? Not quite. In a few days, Mercury, Mars and the Sun will conjoin together in Libra, inviting the potential for confronting dialogue or written word. Perhaps the ultimate goal is not to create harm, but to propose greater potential for the showstopping blossoms down the road.
While Libra season emphasizes relationship themes, Venus retrograde begins in December, which means that the relationship themes emerging now could continue to unfold through Capricorn and Aquarius season as well. Mars here can represent the ending of a significant relationship or significant chapter in our lives (look to your Libra house for clues). This is not an easy release, with Venus in ever-loyal Scorpio. As @therapyforwomen recently pointed out, it’s common for us to feel conflicted leaving a situation we consciously know we need to move on from. No one is 100% “good” or “bad,” which is why we fell in love with the person or situation in the first place. Venus in Scorpio represents the energetic bonds which link us on a soul level, while Libra is a heady air sign, reflecting an objective knowingness of when it’s time to move on. Sometimes, the energetic bonds are so strong, that it’s extremely difficult to pull away.
Ruling the New Moon, Venus occupies the anaretic degree of Scorpio, also insinuating a dramatic ending. Like the mantis who severs the head of her post-coital mate, there’s something so vulnerable and complicated about this degree. All too often, the fear of abandonment subconsciously drives a wedge between the ones we love most.
Maybe the complexities aren’t your cup of tea. The Martian motivation to demolish and beautify is also available to us. Here’s to a driven, purposeful and beautifying New Moon in Libra! Good time to find your favorite hairstylist and schedule a chop!
Danielle Noel
Venus enters Sagittarius, 10/7
The heart’s longing to roam…
Ready to let loose and shake it off, Venus enters the playful realm of Sagittarius. Lusty, indulgent and dazzling, Venus in Sagittarius knows there is a whole world out there to taste. And with a wide-open road of possibility before us, the last thing Venus in Sag wants us to do is settle. Venus in Sag wants no limits on love and pleasure. This season, experiment with new flavors, leave space for spontaneity, take a random road trip and hook up with someone who makes you laugh.
Ultimately, Venus in Sag wants us to eat, drink and be merry. Celebrate the joys and blessings in your life and hey, why not, buy the top-shelf stuff and make sure there’s enough to go around!
Before we can get to the juiciness that this punchbowl transit has to offer, Venus first must cross the vortex of the dragon’s tail at 2° Sagittarius on 10/9. Following the New Moon’s separation themes, there is a significant impetus for release. For us to reach the thresholds of freedom Venus in Sagittarius can offer, perhaps there’s a deadweight relationship theme which needs to go, or a limiting belief or even an indulgence which no longer brings us joy. Remember, distance can make the heart grow fonder!
We can delight in the sumpuousness of Venus in Sag through November 5th.
Pluto stations Direct, 10/7, 24°18’ Capricorn
As if Mercury’s prolonged square to Pluto for the past two weeks weren’t enough, Hades commands our attention from the skull + bones throne. There’s something important we are supposed to see. Pluto stations permeate an aura of eeriness throughout the collective backdrop. Intense emotions tend to crop up (especially if you are currently experiencing a Pluto transit), focusing our attention toward the unpleasant cobwebs which still require tending. Moody, obsessive or introverted, Pluto’s station invites us to contemplate, process and remedy. The “good” news is that Pluto is stationing direct! And making a beeline toward the United States’ exact Pluto return on 2/20/22! For more information on that once-in-a-lifetime transit, you can read all about it on my website.
philipp igumnov
Mars Cazimi, 10/8, 12:00 am ET, 15°05’ Libra
A pristine sword emerges from the glowing forge…
Like an exhausted Odysseus returning home 20 years after the Trojan War, Mars completes its synodic cycle and enters the purifying flames of rebirth within the heart of the Sun. Mars’ proximity to the Sun represents a rest period. We are weary from the fight and it’s time to hydrate and restore our ammunition. During the cazimi period (10/7, 5:00 am – 10/8 8 pm), potent awareness unveils around our desires, motivations and valiance. What does it mean to be noble in our fight? Mars in Libra is the peacemaker, the negotiator, the willingness to relinquish one’s safety to actively engage between two distressed parties. In this regard, Mars in Libra epresents the eccentric who sees a solution everyone can get behind. The cazimi is a purification from the instinctually selfish survival impetus of Mars, moving toward the Bodhisattva ideals of “not me, us.” Notice what arises for you during this time and which sword calls your name.
Mercury Cazimi, 10/9, 12:18 pm ET, 16°35’ Libra
Back-to-back cazimis! Now it’s Mercury’s turn to enter the detoxifying sauna. Take advantage of this potent window from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm ET, where you can intentionally unplug from the ceaseless intake of “content” and plug in to the rhythmic living pulse of the universe. Messages await your psychic and intellectual receptors. These insights are likely related to your personal Mercury retrograde story. Missing puzzle pieces provide essential clarity on this journey of re-envisioning. We reach the half-way point; we reach the eye of the storm, and with the presence of Mars, we see what we must let go of or move toward with valiance.
Saturn stations Direct, 10/10, 10:17 pm ET, 6°53’ Aquarius
Piggybacking on Pluto’s eerie station on 10/7, Saturn is here to ground our feet on planet earth and sober us up. It’s been an intense week, y’all. Saturn’s station is here to help us make sense of all that’s been revealed. “Dust yourself off and let’s focus on moving forward,” states the architect. Saturn in Aquarius is moving direct and so are we. With accountability, innovation and the understanding that none of us are an island, it’s time to rebuild.
Hereafter, Saturn will gain momentum, retrace their steps and eventually enter new zodiacal terrain in the later degrees of Aquarius. We still have one more exact Saturn-Uranus square on 12/24/21. We are entering a super exciting period for Saturn things. Saturn occupies its diurnal domicile and is moving direct. We are collectively positioned to present innovative solutions to decayed infrastructure. With a square to Uranus, what seems radical is actually the most practical. Let’s build a new world that works for all of us.