Welcome to the first unveiling of my AstroChef series! The goal is to feature a celebrity chef from each sign of the zodiac, and obviously there is no better way than to start with Aries! I present to you, Iron Chef, Cat Cora!

AstroChef Aries: Cat Cora


Cat Cora is the first female Iron Chef, a restaurateur (she has launched over 18 restaurants), television host, philanthropist, entrepreneur, health and fitness expert and to top it off, she’s a mother to 6 boys! Just read the first couple of sentences of her bio, and it’s obvious that Cat is mega accomplished. But how does she have the energy to slay this hard? Well, to start off, Cat is a fiery Aries! And this Aries doesn’t like to wait around for her dreams to pop out of thin air. Cat was born on April 3rd, 1967 in Jackson, Mississippi at 11:30 am. The Rodden rating for this data is “AA” – meaning that it’s the most solid data we can get. Cat and her wife responded to my request for her birth data, to which I am so grateful! Herein, we will see how Cat’s impressive bio reflects within her birth chart.   

Iron Chef, Aries Strength

Cat was the first female Iron Chef – that statement alone has two Aries shout-outs. One, Aries are naturally first. They are the trailblazers, the adventurers and the ones who refuse to wait for everyone else to get on board. Aries’ motto is “Why wait? Go for it!” The second reference is more subtle: Iron is the domain of Mars, Aries’ planetary ruler. Iron is made to withstand the heat! And Cat knows how to bring it – whether she’s working the panini press or the bench press. Aries are built tough, with more than a few competitive bones in their body. Oh, and Cat was also the first female inducted into the American Academy of Chefs Hall of Fame. Another fabulous first!

Cat definitely has the courage of an Aries, and if you watch her on any cooking show, you’ll quickly notice her genuine warmth as well as her straight-up, tell-it-like it is style. On her show, Family Food Fight, you’ll hear complementary Aries reviews like, “these flavors are slapping me right in the face,” or “hitting me right in the mouth,” and truths like, “you better bring it in the next round!” You can always count on an Aries for genuine honesty. They are direct and never hold back from their truth. Even the name “Family Food Fight” echoes sentiments of the sign of the warrior. The winners of the show even receive belts resembling those of professional fighters. Adding to the agility of the show, Cora’s cohost is Ayesha Curry, wife of professional basketball player Stephan Curry. The sporty connections deepen for this Aries Chef who maintains a committed fitness routine… 7 days per week!


Cat’s Aries Sun resides in her 10th house, which tells us that she’s here to shine in her career – and she will do it in her own way! Further compounding this sense of purpose is her Saturn in Aries conjunct the MC (the highest point in the chart), which says “I am consistent, reliable and dependable. I’m cautious, I have good judgement and I’ve learned to depend on myself.” Risks are calculated for this chef. Cat is a provider, offering stability to herself and her family. She’s had to question the rules of success and perhaps redefine them as her own. Cat is incredibly ambitious. Saturn tells us that the father figures in her life may have instilled this drive within her, and a look at her Wikipedia page tells us that Cat pitched her first business plan to her father and godfather at the age of 15, knowing that they would be willing to help her. Perhaps because they encouraged her to be ambitious? On some level, whether direct or indirectly, this would be the case – and with a drive for security thrown in there. “Family is everything.”  


Sometimes people with Saturn in the 10th house can almost fear their own success, and even inhibit it. While Cat may have had to overcome her own resistances to success, it certainly doesn’t appear to be the case! I’m leaning toward Saturn’s residency in Cat’s 9th house, which often leads someone to question where religion, faith and belief fit into their life; they may have to confront any belief structures they grew up with that felt to limiting, and ultimately rediscover their own authentic connection. In Cat’s memoir, Cooking as Fast as I Can (a very Aries title, I might add!), she reportedly elaborates on the challenges of growing up as a lesbian in the deep south, where religion is a big part of life for many. (I personally cannot wait to read her book!). As it turns out, Cat is indeed deeply spiritual, embracing both her Greek Orthodox background, as well as the traditions and spirituality of Judaism. Cat and her wife, Nicole, were married by a Rabbi in 2018.  

Fiery, spunky and spirted, one of the spiritual lessons of incarnating as an Aries is to fight for the right to be oneself. This aim is further compounded by Cat’s Sun’s conjunction with rebellious Eris. We are still learning a lot about Eris (discovered in 2005), but we know she shows up in charts of activists and activism. Eris cares about equal representation, and we know that this is something Cat, too, cares a lot about – both as a female chef, and as a philanthropist committed to combatting hunger.  

Philanthropist: Aquarius Moon

Cat is the creatrix of Chefs for Humanity, a non-profit geared to provide emergency relief, education and resources for hunger-related disasters. Cora launched this philanthropic endeavor in response to the hurricane Katrina and has continued to provide aid in the face of natural disaster and famine around the world. Cat most recently launched the Women’s Empowerment Culinary Internship Program, in which she personally mentors an aspiring female chef each year. With Cat’s Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, this tells us that improving the quality of life for others is a big piece of who she is – especially because this innovative and idealistic Moon rules her entire birth chart. Yep, Cat was born with none other the maternal sign of Cancer rising on the horizon. Cat’s Moon is in her 7th house, which tells us that her relationships play a major role in her life and her well-being. Aries are for sure independent, but this Aries definitely needs her people!

Super Mom: Cancer Rising


If you follow Cat, you know that she is a proud and doting mother to her 6 boys! That’s big mama energy right there. Not only will you see plenty of adorable photos of her children, but you will also see how in love she is with her wife. Cancers tend to be big on family – and we are definitely picking up the cozy home vibes here! Cancereans are known to be instinctual and sensitive creatures of habit. They care about their own well-being and nourishment, as well as that of those they love. Her family is so lucky to have such a talented and health-conscious chef whipping up delicious food for them at all times! Cancerians are known to have their own particular rituals and sentiments around food – because nourishment goes deeper than just nutrition. Cancers are natural caretakers and adept at relating to others on an emotional level. This talent surely comes in handy for Cat at home, but I’ve also seen it on her show when a contestant begins to cry, and she puts her arm on their shoulder and comforts them. What a wonderful mom!

The Foodie: Venus in Taurus

Out of all the signs for Venus to reside in, Taurus is by far the most comfy for Venus – where the bubble baths are endless, the rugs are always plush and the hot cocoa is constantly flowing. This is the girly-girl side of Cat – the woman who likes to wear a tailored suit with designer heels, get her hair done and probably go to the spa. While we know she’s tough, capable and driven, this is the side of her that likes to be pampered and spoiled. And let’s be real, her Cancer rising appreciates it too. Cancerians are amazing at caring for others, but they really need to receive the nourishment too. Venus is in an exact sextile to her Cancer ascendant, which tells us that when she takes a day off to replenish herself, she’s going to be able to shine brighter in who she is, be more Zen as a mama, and feel more confidently in facing the world. For if a Cancer doesn’t take care of herself… let’s just say everyone’s in trouble!

Celebrity: Jupiter in the first house


A strong Jupiter in the first house gives a luminous presence. These people are generally inspirational and feel uplifting to be around. Cat is likely an optimist and perhaps luck often finds her! Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and can bless someone with a large family. Yup! 6 boys! A large family indeed. However, this Jupiter is ruled by the Moon in philanthropic Aquarius, which tells us that she wants to care for children and people all over the world by ending world hunger. Big mama energy again! Cancer is the primal sign of nourishment, and a sign we would expect to see prominently in the chart of a professional (and very successful) chef who also tells us that being a mom is one of her top accomplishments.

If you’ve enjoyed getting to know Cat as much as I have, tune into her show, Family Food Fight, follow her on IG @catcora and read her books: Cat Cora’s Kitchen, Cooking From the Hip, Cooking As Fast As I Can and Cat Cora’s Classics with a Twist.

Currently, Cat has been offering a fantastic mini CORAntine series on her Instagram - tune in for her latest cooking hacks and visit her wesbite,!