An Evolving Framework: The Week of 6/13 - 6/19/2021
Starry Salutations,
While Mercury retrograde rounds out its final week, we have finally made it through eclipse season (whew) and most likely, life looks a little different from when it began. The highlight of this week is the second exact square between heavy hitters Saturn and Uranus. The Saturn- Uranus square is undoubtedly the defining aspect of 2021, providing overarching themes and backdrops, tinting the collective and individual experience with the innate urge for change. We will likely see these ongoing themes of reform reach a crescendo this weel. But otherwise, this week hints toward integration and playfulness.
Let’s get into it!
Astrology Watch
Venus sextile Uranus, 6/13
Sun square Neptune, 6/13
Saturn square Uranus, 6/14
Venus sextile Uranus, 6/13
Finding our creative and intimate edge.
Folasade Adeoso
At its core essence, Venus in Cancer craves closeness, trust, intimacy and security. In an innovative sextile with Uranus, the time is ripe for breakthroughs within our relationship rituals. Uranus in Taurus is all about getting out of our comfort zone so that we can eventually become more comfortable! Proactively lean into opportunities for connection. Respond to bids for attention with greater presence and interest. Especially if you are shy or tend to hold back, lean into what scares you and you may discover more profound experiences of connection with your loved ones. Remember to keep it playful! Ask the provocative questions, dare to hold space with deeper presence, encourage, lovingly provoke, reveal core desires, tell storeis... Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus craves both excitement and familiarity. There’s still so much to discover about one another.
Sun square Neptune, 6/13
Complimenting the opportunities for discovery within the Venus/Uranus sextile, the Sun’s square to Neptune provides an open book of curiosity. This aspect can behave like an aphrodisiac, layering sparkles and pink clouds of vapor over everything we see. Certainly this is a season for falling in love with life again, and reclaiming the magic in the mundane. However, this aspect can also be a little overwhelming. With too many options and too many variables, it’s difficult to discern which sparkly things are most deserving of our time and energy. There is also a tendency to romanticize potential scenarios that are not yet rooted in reality – and may never be! Indeed, our minds can easily run away with us during this time – conjuring scenarios both worrying and fantastical. This can be a dizzying time, so be sure to call on your grounded friends to help you put things into perspective or clutch your Saturn talismans to lend some clarity and discernment at this time.
On the plus side, however, this aspect can give us a lift and alleviate from the leaden. Seek transcendence, magic and adventure. The Sun/Neptune motto? “It will all work out.”
Saturn square Uranus, 6/14
The first exact square between Saturn and Uranus was on February 17th and the final square will be on December 24th, 2021. We are in the middle peak of this transit which will define the year 2021.
What does the Saturn-Uranus square represent? Overall, this is part of a 45-year cycle which deals with upheaval, breakthrough, and liberation. Essentially, we have outgrown the old order. It’s time for the societal and traditional frameworks to evolve with the current. Humanity evolves. Consciousness evolves. This aspect corresponds with the reflexive need for the laws, policies and political practices to keep up with the times.
Very often, we will see movements fueled by dissatisaftion with the status quo. It is a time for reform. This time around, the Saturn-Uranus square parallels a global pandemic, shattering the routines and highlighting flaws in the system. We have seen themes around fair worker compensation, the hypocrisy of a health care system which doesn’t cater to our most essential workers, and themes of universal basic income. We are dismantling systemic racism, defunding the police (and all the practical, exemplary reasons why we should), and creating more awareness and advocacy for trans and non-binary folks. The pandemic has shifted how we work, how we educate our children, how we socialize, and continues to send ripple effects into the mainstream consciousness.
Saturn’s square to Uranus is all about reform and discovering more liberating ways to live. It’s about breaking free from stuffiness and trying something else - something unfamiliar to most, but just might make more sense after all.
In Mundane Astrology by Charles Harvey, Nicholas Campion and Michael Baigent, Harvey describes this cycle as imminent change. However, he also describes the desperate attempts by the benefactors of yore to preserve the old order. We are absolutely seeing the draconian counterbalance. How exhausting it must be to continuously resist the current of life?
This week, we can expect developments on the fair wages front. It’s understandable that many people prefer to collect unemployment rather than return to a shitty job which doesn’t adequately compensate for labor, nor does it provide a minimum livable wage, nor health care. Chipotle raised their hourly wage to entice their employees to return to work. Other businesses may be forced to do the same (there are more teenagers in the workplace now than any time in the past decade for this reason) and/or maybe we will see the federal minimum wage increase to a livable wage this year.
Looking at repeating themes from the first Saturn-Uranus square, we are again seeing extremes in weather. At the first exact square in February, devastating winter storms wreaked havoc in Texas, an area exceptionally unprepared for such weather in the first place. Between power outages, food shortages and road closures, over a hundred people died. We might expect another theme around extreme weather as Uranus in Taurus deals greatly with the theme of liberating Mother Earth herself. We have the technology to live more sustainably and in harmony with the planet, but the current infrastructures are slow and even resistant to make the necessary changes. Uranus in Taurus is bringing more technology to farming, cultivation and harvesting.
Another repeating theme is the investigation into the origins of the virus. At the first Saturn-Uranus square, WHO-China “investigated” the lab-leak theory from the Virology lab in Wuhan and concluded that this source of the outbreak was unlikely. Fast forward to today, with Saturn now retrograde, Biden is on board with reinvestigating this origin story lead.
As if the framwork of our society couldn’t be more in flux, the declassification of UFO’s is ramping up and collecting mass appeal after years of speculation amongst niche ET enthusiasts. The Pentagon’s UFO report is due at the end of June. Might as well kick over all of the dominos, exposing a totally different canvasing framework for what “reality” is.