Catherine Urban Astrology

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Replenishing the Well

Blame the eclipse, blame Mercury retrograde or blame the big changes in my life,

But the column, as I’ve been writing it, needs to change.  At least for now.

My partner and I went down to North Carolina to witness the Total Solar Eclipse, along with countless others. It was an amazing trip, and as if it couldn’t be any more memorable, Eli asked me to marry him. I was on cloud-fucking-9 the entire weekend. Happier than ever.

Our first full day back, I sat at the computer for nearly 10 hours, working on my website and working on other writing projects for which I had promised deadlines. Meanwhile, that meant that I turned down going to the baseball game with my father, and Eli went with him instead. The two guys came back and continued to enjoy themselves outside in the beautiful weather, whereas I sat inside. Working.

Over the course of the week, people continued to congratulate me, saying, “enjoy this happy time…

I abruptly realized that it’s time for a change.

And I always knew this day would come, I just didn’t see it happening so soon. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the magic of the eclipses. They bring things to light and show you something in a new way.

On top of everything else, I am also in school right now, taking classes for my next level of astrological certification.

I absolutely looove being in school.

The openness, the creativity, the sense of wonder and curiosity.

With Jupiter going into my largest house of creativity, and with the north node in Leo, it’s time that I adjust my schedule so that there is more space. Creativity struggles to exist where there is rigidity and anxiousness and “have-to’s.”

And so it is.

I will still be posting regularly, just not making predictions for every single day, because honestly, it’s just a lot of work.  I've kept up with the daily forecasts without missing a beat for 2.5 years, and now I see that I should be playing around with other formats, and experimenting with my writing. It's important to stay pliable.

I like to tell people that life shouldn’t be all about work, so now I'm taking my own advice. Babies are being born and I have 3 grandparents in their 80’s….  my life is exciting right now and it's time to be more present.

Everything in life is a cycle.

I’m rounding the bend. 

You’ve got to put yourself out there and apply your knowledge, but sometimes you must pause and replenish the well!

So for at least while I’m in school (and maybe until I get married, or who knows when), I will be utilizing a free format, which allows me to be more creative, receptive, intuitive and more relaxed. This is going to be a beautiful thing. Promise.

Thanks for journeying with me,

Big Love to your luminous soul,
