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Cauldron November Concoction: Fixed Stars with Elizabeth Hazel

Cauldron is a monthly astro-meet-up designed for intermediate to advanced practitioners of astrology to expand astrological skillset, develop new techniques and to converse in the eclectic language of astrology with colleagues who share our passion! This immersive education model is robust with opportunities to learn and share.

Elizabeth Hazel Returns to Chat with us about Fixed Stars + Natal Planets

Fixed Stars + Natal Planets

This is an excellent primer class for astrologers who are interested in integrating fixed stars into their practice and are ready to learn basic methods for delineating planet-star combinations. Stars in specific constellations are examined for thematic impact followed by sample charts that demonstrate how to interpret the over-arching life themes that fixed stars give to natal planets, and how different planets channel star energies.


Elizabeth Hazel is an astrologer, tarotist, speaker and author. She is a long-time president of SMARRT/Ann Arbor chapter of NCGR and editor of the NCGR Memberletter. Her published works include Little Book of Fixed Stars, Antiscia: Secrets in the Mirror, Twelve-House Tarot Spreads, Tarot Decoded, and The Whispering Tarot deck and book. Elizabeth has given presentations at numerous events including UAC 2018, SOTA, GLAC, and for groups around the country. Contact

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Cauldron is designed for students who have accumulated a solid foundation of astrological understanding and are looking to expand their skillset. Members are also encouraged to trade readings with one another, read books together and/or present at our annual Cauldron Summit. Together, Cauldron members develop astrological ideas and converse throughout the month on our Discord forum.

Each Cauldron member brings a unique perspective. Let’s concoct something magical together!

We meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 7-9 pm ET.